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Periods and Herpes

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Hey everyone!


I'm pretty sure my PMS/ periods are triggering outbreaks. They are very very mild and hardly visible but I can still feel them. I know this is a common thing but I'm still getting this even though I'm taking anti-virals, which concerns me :|


I'm not on the pill because it makes me crazy and I've tried the bar too but that didn't work. Has anyone found that being on the pill has stopped this happening? or is there something else you have tried?




This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Im on the pill. And i skip my period on purpose.

cuz my time of the month has been a defdinate trigger for o.b. minor or not its annoying.


Some people use Depro Provera to stop their periods because of the Period - Outbreak trigger. I just got good at attacking it with my Ammonium Alum as soon as it started and once they gave me Acyclovir, I'd start taking that or doubling up before my period. The sooner you attack it the better .... so if you know that is a trigger, try doubling the meds for a few days before the period and see if that helps

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