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Finally, I have someting positive to say, and I just needed to share this story with you all.. Here it goes!


I have had this guy in my life for about 7 years on and of.. 2 years ago we both moved to the sout of my contry and continued meeting whenever we had the time.. We both have deep feelings for each other, but the time and place was never right. After my diagnosis in february I desided not to contact him any more, despite the fact that this is the love of my life, I'm sure! I could'nt get my self to tell him.. Then after moving back home to the north he called me and confessed he loved me to, but I pushed him away, afraid that I, at some point would have to tell him.. After a while he moved back north again and the panic hit me full speed! He kept calling, texting and I startet to think that maby he really had so deep feelings for me that this would'nt be a big deal?! So, two weeks ago I told him (I had not planned on doing it at that time, but I was drunk and I had the currage right then and there). He reacted with telling me he was sorry and that he wants us to continue beeing friends. I knew he would handle it like an adult (I know him pretty good after 7 years, but it seemed somehow to make it eaven scaryer) I was hurt, but it was ok.


The following week I could not get this out of mye head.. I didnt feel like I had gotten it all out, so I desided to wright him an e-mail telling him all my thoughts and feelings, explaning the facts of herpes and how I was going by ok now, despite having a hard time at the beginning. I was not expecting any answer, but it was importent to me just to know he had read it. And he did. Several times he told me. I decided just take my time to give him time.. Today I got a text asking if I wantet to come and cuddle.. (I couldent because I needed to catch a bus going back home) but for me just knowing that he still wants me made my world today :-D so to summer up the last year, I've disclosed to 3 men.. All who had no problem with it.. The last one beeing the hardest, but I think that is because I have a deeper level of love for him :-)


I got the best christmas gift ever this year, and that is beeing accepted:-)


Hope this gives you all a hope that it is posible to be loved.. It is not a problem, WE are making it a problem :-)


Big hugs



Hi NotAlone,


well there seems to be quit big feeling since a long time between you and him, so herpes will not stop it, i am really sure.there are a lot of people out there with much more horrible sicknessesand i think herpes shouldnt be an issue if you really like somebody deply.I hope it will work out for and i am thankfull that you share this story with us because it gives me and guess a lot of other people a better feeling ...to get accepted in this world.Thanks so much.Big hug back to you,besos

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