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Something doesn't seem right...

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Hello everyone- this marks my first post here!


I just am wondering if anyone else feels this is fishy. I was recently diagnosed with genital herpes when I went in to a new gyno with what I thought was a crazy yeast infection that wouldn't heal. However, it was only a visual diagnosis: the gyno I saw said he didn't do a swab test because I was in too much pain and he was "95% sure" I had herpes. I got a blood test that day as well.


The blood test came back negative a few days later, so the doctor told me it must be a new infection. Cursed my luck and the last guy I had sex with, who finally wooed me after three epic dates.


I've spent the last month really coming to terms with this diagnosis. I've been all over the map; crazy depressed, angry, "fuck it", zen, frustrated, ambivalent, courageous, scared, determined to not let this affect me, etc. I'm finally in a place over the last week or so where I'm feeling better about this diagnosis and my ability to cope with it and live a fulfilling life/etc.


HOWEVER, today I went in for my second blood test. When I came in, the doctor confessed to me that he had had another patient a few days after me with lesions VERY similar to mine who he had misdiagnosed with herpes. Turns out she had hand foot and mouth disease. Bwuh? Has anyone ever heard of these two things getting mixed up?


Anyway, he said that we should do the blood test in two weeks now (aka 6 weeks after the initial diagnosis) and see if I have herpes antibodies; if I don't have anything, he's going to assume I'm in the clear and I had something else like hand foot and mouth disease.


This all feels a little weird to me. Trying not to get my hopes up, since I assume if I do hope it is something else I'll get devastatingly crushed again when I find out that yes, indeed it is herpes.


Thoughts about this?





Hello and Welcome!


I have one piece of advice...




For one, you CANNOT do a visual diagnosis for Herpes. Period. There are other things that can mimic it and often there are no definitive symptoms. Only a swab or blood test can determine for sure if you have herpes.


On top of that, 6 weeks is not a long enough time for a blood test to determine if you have H. It can take 4 months (more for a small number of people) to have a positive blood test result.


It's pretty sad that an OBGYN is THAT mis-informed/clueless .... *sigh*


While you are searching for an OBGYN you may want to check with Planned Parenthood if you have any symptoms ....


Keep us posted... I'm curious to find out what a real doctor comes up with ... but you may have to wait at least 3 months for an answer at this point.


Just want to mention.... blood isnt as accurate as u think.

i was swabbed possitive ghsv2 in jan.

in april neg blood test.

Un june possitive blood test. It cann take up to 12 MONTHS for the antibodies to showw up in a blood test...

I agree with dancer... get a new doctor asap.




To correct something that was said here: only very rarely does it take as long as one calendar year for an IGG antibody test to turn positive. Every study out of the University of Washington documents that the vast majority of those infected with genital herpes will test positive by six months. By "vast majority" I mean well over 99%. Yes, it is theoretically possible to take as long as one year to test positive. But the probability is greater than 99% that by six months, if you test negative, you are well and truly negative.

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