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Passing herpes to everyday people?

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With a recent diagnosis here, and have been very worried about giving this to strangers and friends. I see a lot of posts about preventing transmission with sexual partners but I am more concerned with everyday contact.


Last night I was at a friend's house. I brought my own water bottle, and I put my own plate and fork in their dishwasher because I was petrified of them touching my utensil.


A friend of mine was sitting and offered their hand for me to pull them up. I declined and she got miffed so I grabbed her forearm covered by her shirt and lifter her up.


My same friend's kid wanted me to pick her up. She got upset when I wouldn't and everyone looked at me like I had 2 heads. I reluctantly did but made extra sure to only grab her where clothing touched.


I take store receipts carefully.


I'm anxious about handing over a screwdriver to a buddy.


I know the passing of herpes is skin to skin, but a part of me tells me there's a chance I could pass it another way.

I am being VERY careful not to touch any part of my body that itches or burns, and I wash my hands thoroughly lately, multiple times a day.


What do you do when you have an OB? Do you just avoid contact to the world in fear of spreading the virus?


Uh honey... you are not a walking, virus oozing petri dish! If you were, we would ALL have Herpes!!! ;)


Wherever your OB is is the ONLY place you can transmit the virus ... so if you have GENITAL herpes it will only be transmitted where those OB's are... if you have ORAL herpes you just have to be careful about sharing drinks or chapstick, kissing, and oral sex, most especially when having an OB. Other than that, you are QUITE safe. ;)


I have 2 grown beautiful daughters and a 3 yr old grandbaby. I have loved on them and hugged them and even shared food and drinks with them (I have both types of H) and never passed it on because I am VERY conscious of where I know my OB's are and when they are happening.


Take NORMAL sanitary precautions and you will be Juuuuuust Fiiiiine. Promise.




I'm not a walking virus oozing petri dish?? Thanks for the laugh :) It's good for me to hear that you do all of these things and know your children do not have it. It would break my heart to know I've inadvertently given it to someone else and that's making me think irrationally I guess.


Right now I'm not sure where my OB is or will be, as its an early diagnosis. I just have some mild 'sicky' feelings. Anyway, thank you.


Sorry to butt in, great blog post, brill info.


I have a question, hope you can shed some light. What about asymatic (think thats the wrong word, but youll know what I mean) shedding, I.e. no symptoms but you could pass it on. So this got me thinking if I had facial herpes, but dont show symptoms, could I shed from a friendly pek on the cheek. This is hugely common in latin america, and havent given this point any thought until now.




Well, for one, why would you think you had "facial" herpes? For one, it's not very likely (only reason *might* be if you had bad acne and someone with an open OB pretty much sucked on your face or you had oral sex and rubbed in into the sore. It "could" happen but even so,


1) Odds are highly against it

2) The OB (and subsequent shedding) would be contained to that very small area and

3) because neither virus (H1 or H2) likes that kind of environment (regular, open skin) it likely would go quiet after the initial OB and you might never see it again.


Either way, a light, friendly peck should be QUITE safe :)


@WCSDancer2010 - to answer your question: I had a 'risky' encounter a few weeks ago and got a std screen. Came up borderline positive - so most of this is me being conscious of my actions while I figure out what is going on with my body. Thanks again for your quick reply, with humor :)


Well, borderline means just that ... anything between 1.1 and 3.5 has a 40% chance of a false positive, so I wouldn't panic until you get your next results back,,,, or go for the Western Blot test... you have to do it privately through Westover Heights but it's the Gold Standard of testing..... whichever one you do you need to wait at least 3-4 months from the encounter before testing ;)


Dr. Lisa Taulbee at the Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... she can order the test for you through Quest Labs. It costs $5/minute for a consult … cheap IMO for clarity and/or peace of mind.


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