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I can't stand the STD messages in sex ed and PSAs!

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So I stumbled across this a while ago on the internet, years before I even had herpes and then totally forgot about it.


Until now of course when I remembered it and for some reason, I really let it bother me.




Basically, it's this French PSA ad where it says that "Without protection, you are making love to AIDS", and it depicts people being intimate with giant scorpions and spiders. Of course, at first all I could think was "Oh my god, I'm as disgusting as a spider! No 'normal' person is ever going to touch me again! (etc, etc)"


But now I'm just annoyed that this is the tone PSA's take towards safe sex.

"Let's make all the uninfected people terrified and the infected ones ashamed. That should segregate them!"


I just wish sexual awareness could take a non-threatening tone and the focus was more about knowing your status and being open with your partner(s).

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I was a bit repulsed by it at first thinking what you were, "GREAT, here's another reason to fear people like me!" And although I do not completely agree with the way they are sending their message, I understand the symbolism of the photos. That indeed, having unprotected sex could lead someone to have a situation like ours or worse.


I do however believe that we just need to keep fighting the good fight through spreading awareness in a positive way. That having an incurable STD does not define who we are or what we represent. It in no way represents how we live or don't live our lives. Horrible things still happen to good people who took every precaution possible.

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Good points, education should be the goal, but I agree with your first post Kath. There are certainly better ways to raise awareness. When I was in high school they brought in people who were diagnosed with various STDs. That helped us to understand that people make mistakes or have terrible things happen to them, and that life goes on. It also made it very clear that appearances could not be used to determine whether potential partners had anything. The talk is necessary regardless of status. If we can find a way to make these discussions a part of our normal behavior then people will eventually find it easier. It needs to be approached in a more intelligent manner rather than one which has the goal of eliciting a fear response. The fear response just perpetuates the stigma which surrounds the condition, which only inhibits actual learning.


:) CBK

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was watching VH1 in my living room with friends the other day and it was one of those dumbass specials with comedian commentary. Of COURSE there was an STD section. Jesus. One of the most awkward things I had to stand this school year! I was so glad one of my friends asked to change the channel cause she was getting uncomfortable too.


I can't stand people making fun of these conditions, I hate the association of "herpes" with "ew" or "gross." Would you call someone with acne "gross"? Only if you're an asshole. So that's what people sound to me when they call H "gross"....it's a skin condition that is rarely transmittable with medicine and precaution. PERIOD. BTW Kath! I'm glad to see you're active!!!! If you get a chance message me back to chat more!

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