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Passing herpes to baby during childbirth?

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hello its been awhile since i've been one this site. things are going smoothly, well as smooth as it could go. but, i'll just get right to the point. my gf and i have been dating for 8 months now. i unknowingly gave her herpes when we first started dating. it was a very rough and long 8 months but we've moved in together and talking about a future. but, shes been talking about babies and worried that if we have a kid it'll have herpes as well. i don't want to think like that i told her as much as i knew but i don't know about pregnancy and herpes. i was hoping you guys could help me. if so thank you and god bless!



This is always on the back of my mind too! I've asked fellow members on this site who are mommys:) according to them that they had healthy clean babies with no rash. As long as you let your doctor know you both have it he/she would prescribe Medication on the last few months of pregnancy to run the risk of passing it on during labor. If she does have an ob during labor the doctor would then do a c-section to protect the baby. You both can live normal lives and have a family without passing it on!

I'm so glad you both have worked things out And have talked of a future! I'm in the same situation.. I unknowingly passed it on to my bf.

live your life and have babies :) just be healthy and let your doctor know.. It's possible to have a natural birth as well!


Hey there. My doctor talked to me last week about pregnancy and herpes (iwas having a pregnancy scare). She told me they put you on the same medicine you get when you have an ob and if worse come to worse you get a c section :)).... nothing to really worry about


Hey everyday,


It brings a smile to my face that your girlfriend and you are moved in together and talking about your future together :) I also unknowingly gave some herpes.. it's been 9 months now and I've come a long way; it's been a hell of journey though. In the end, it turned into a huge lesson of self love and forgiveness for myself. We all do things that end up with unintentional results sometimes, and need to meet ourselves with the compassion and forgiveness that we give so easily to others.


I just wrote about pregnancy and herpes in one of my blogs last week that's on this site. Here's the pregnancy facts that I found:


Facts: 20-25% of pregnant women have herpes. According to the Baby Center, if you contracted herpes before your third trimester of pregnancy, the risk of your baby contracting it is less than 1 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s because you begin to develop antibodies to herpes soon after you’re first infected, and they’re passed onto your baby through the placenta. In six to 12 weeks, your baby will have some immunity as a result of these antibodies, which offer some protection if you’re unknowingly shedding virus. Also, if you wanted to further reduce any risk of spreading the virus, there is the option of having a C-section. Newborn herpes is relatively rare (about 1,500 newborns are affected each year).


Well wishes!!



That's awesome news everyday! Very cool of you to want to know everything about it for your girlfriend and baby. Cedar is right and there is nothing to worry about. Be open with her doctor and enjoy planning your baby together :-). It's so exciting!


Thanks for posting and letting us know how you are doing :-) x



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