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Generic Valtrex in Canada - No Longer an Option

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I just came back from the pharmacy and it was confirmed.... we can no longer obtain generic Valtrex in this country. After a lengthy court battle the generic producer lost the case and Valtrex is the ONLY option. Extremely disappointing news for 2 reasons, I preferred the generic meds physically and secondly... Valtrex is easily three times the cost. The pharmacist said this is indefinite unless of course the decision is appealed. The biggest issue with this development is that Valtrex will become unaffordable for so many people and as a result we will see an increase in suffering from symptoms of outbreaks and an increased risk of transmission. The high cost of the drug will exclude many people from the option of suppressive therapy and that is obviously a huge setback.


I understand that the companies have proprietary rights to their drugs and it is my understanding that the generics may have breached some of these. We can only hope that there is a viable resolution or option in the near future. It would be interesting to know if this issue is only in Canada or if it impacts other countries?


I was astonished at the price difference. Thank goodness my medical covers the cost. There us NO way I could afford them if i had to pay the whole bill.


Wow that sucks! Can you order it online maybe? The generic for it here costs me $5/mth wit my plan. But I heard the name brand is outrageous. Hope you can find a better option somehow.


I am not sure about ordering online. I have coverage so it helps greatly (I could afford it if I had to but that's not the point). I will look in to online options and keep everyone posted!



Ya.... that's what I would have paid. With coverage I paid $127 for 60. If I had bought 30 at a time it would have been better since my coverage is geared for one month at a time. Pain in the ass.... I use to get 6 months worth at a time and paid a fraction of that cost. No matter how you slice it, its not cheap! (btw I am self employed so I have no extra RX benefits but my BF was able to get me on his plan at work so for the first time I have some coverage which is a bonus for me)


Im very lucky to have a plan that reimburses me 80%, but still have to pay out of pocket and wait. I paid $92 for 100 pills of the generic. I feel badly for those that have no coverage



Yes, that sounds like the same as mine if I get 30 at a time. Totally lucky to have coverage also! RX and dental are the few things in Canada we don't get fully covered for so I guess over all we are still ahead of the game. It's just unfortunate for those who can't afford it.


Ugh - as usual, Big Pharma putting their profits over the general welfare of the people who need the drug. I get it, they need profits, but I read an article that explained how one drug (for Hep C) is grotesquely overpriced ... it's a reality check that I am sure applies to many drugs that are out there and I'll BET the profits on Valtrex are pretty damn huge at this point - certainly they have more than made their investment back by now... :/



  • 1 year later...

Wow! Thank God my ins covers. You might need to write a letter as Dancer suggested. My gynecologist always said if he was a woman, he'd be marching on the white house steps regularly.....due to ins cons......esp not covering mammograms until after age 50!!! Breast cancer has no age limit....not to mention many, many more scenarios

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