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Never felt wanted more than now...

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Since disclosing to friends, mostly my guy friends, I've been shocked by their responses to my new status. In the past month, 3 of my close friends have taken me out for what I assumed was just a get together, but to them, it was a date. Now, I wasn't looking so much for a relationship as I've been in and out of a long distance one for some time. It amazes me that when I was first diagnosed, I kept saying "omg, no one will ever want to be with me or touch me." Clearly, I've mistaken all the good men out there who are truly understanding.


Its hard expressing your feelings especially when you are interested, yet you have this one itsy bitsy thing you need to share. At first, I didn't know how to explain it as I never had a true outbreak and I'm newly diagnosed. But so far, my friends have done their own research and helped me realize its ok. Its ok to have HSV2 and still be wanted, loved Desired and needed. Oh and feel sexy!!! Gotta keep the confidence!. For a woman, that's important and I've noticed the more open and honest I am, the more accepting they are.


So my fellow peeps, keep your head up. Eventually a good partner will come along, with or without "h"




Yes. I agree with WhoopsiDaysi :)

People are generally kind hearted and understanding. It is our fears of what they may think that causes are biggest problems and heartache. It's worth it to be honest and vulnerable; and let others decide how they feel about the situation. You're so right about being open honest- I think that shows a level of trust on your part that's very respectable.

Thanks for sharing.



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