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hydrogen peroxide "cure" for herpes?

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I was wondering if anyone tried the whole hydrogen peroxide thing for hsv? Its like you drop food grade hydrogen peroxide in pure water and spray it on your hips and back (if u have hsv2) and use some dmso cream to have it sink into your body. Supposedly it can help drastically and in some cases "cure" hsv2.


I was wondering if anyone here has heard of this and has tried it? I ordered the h2o2 and cream from amazon and am still considering if im gonna try it. There was one website i read where people were talking about the same thing except they would drink the water with the drops of h2o2. Some people said they were cured after months of very painful diligence. However, there were a couple people that said that their situation with hsv got worse and in some cases their area that hsv2 affects even moved from where it normally happens! Thats scary for me cause i have my OBs below my belly button and it would suck if it moved down more!


In any case i find that h2o2 is useful in treating hsv2 outbreaks topically so itll be useful for that


There is no scientific evidence to show hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) works as a herpes treatment. In fact, at food grade (35%), applying H2O2 to the skin and mucous membranes would likely cause damage to the tissue. H2O2 is effective as a surface cleaner, such as countertops, but not on the skin.


By default, anything claiming to "cure" herpes is going to be a scam of some sort. If there were a cure for herpes, it would be all over the news and all over reputable news sites.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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you buy the 35% food grade h2o2 and then drop only a few drops into a 8oz sprayer of pure water. For sure applying 35% undiluted would be terrible lol. Idk, have you ever used h2o2 topically? I have, it works quite well. Of course im not saying its a cure but i was jus wondering if anyone had any experience actually trying it.


Some have found HP to be useful when applied topically ... of course it's known as an antimicrobial so it makes sense that it will help to shorten and dry up outbreaks when applied DIRECTLY to the OB ... but this whole thing about " spray it on your hips and back (if u have hsv2) and use some dmso cream to have it sink into your body. Supposedly it can help drastically and in some cases "cure" hsv2. " is quackery :/

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