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Can someone explain to me what these numbers mean on my herpes test results, hsv 1 >5.00 and hsv 2 3.85. The doctor wasn't too worried about it and brushed me off. Told me I had nothing to worry about but I need clarification.




Hello and Welcome!


Well, seems like you have both HSV1 and HSV2 ...


Likely you've had HSV1 orally since you were quite young ... 60% of young people have oral H1 by the time they are young adults....


Your HSV2 numbers are high enough to be considered equivocal ... a Doctor will tell you anything over 1.1 is positive but if the person has no symptoms, we would tell them to retest in a few months with anything under 3.5.


So have you had any outbreaks or was this just a normal STD testing that had these results?


Even though you are "positive", do understand that its just a nuisance virus in an inconvenient place that you will have to learn to manage. I've had oral HSV1 since I was 4 and genital HSV2 since I was 17 (I'm 53 now) and yes, it's caused a few speed bumps in the dating world but in the end, those guys just showed their colors and I was glad to see that they weren't into ME ,... they just wanted to GET INTO me :p


We're here to answer your questions so hang around, read as much as you can, and you will be fine....




Well with the numbers that you have, I'd say they are pretty conclusive....


If you want to be 100% sure, do the Western Blot test. You have to go through Westover Heights clinic to get it but it's the Gold Standard of testing... most tests only look for 1-2 proteins - WB looks for 14 .... don't know why it's not used for all testing but IMO there are times we just have to go outside what our insurance will pay for, and pay out of pocket for the treatment/testing that is right for US ...



Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... they can order the test for you through Quest Labs. It costs $5/minute for a consult … and I think $250 for the test .... cheap IMO for clarity and/or peace of mind.


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