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Do you have horrible pain during intercourse?

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Ok so I am going to be short and to the point. First of all I am not a Dr. so please check with yours first.

I am in a relationship and sex was horribly painful. It was heart breaking! So I went to my Dr. and she gave me ESTRACE cream. Your Dr. will give you the details. It works for women from young to old. I am happy to say I am swinging from the

chandelier once again! A miracle cream no lie! Woohooooo! Hey we gals have to share such tips right!


so r me it was herpes. the doctor said that sometimes internally you can have an outbreak and not realize it. so for me intercourse was excruciating almost like metal nails stabbing me. and now nothing I'm exactly the same as when I was like 25 years old. the doctor also told me that they often prescribe it to young girls as well as older women so its not limited as far as age goes. It may not be for everyone and again check with your personal doctor.


ESTRACE is an Estradiol cream, so it's actually for vaginal dryness ... but that would still make sense, because that would help to keep intercourse from irritating things and then setting off an OB ... but it definitely wouldn't be prescribed for all women because it's a hormonal cream....


But glad it's working for you and delighted that you are having a great time with your man!!!




yes this is why I said to check with your doctor that it may not be for everyone I am just reaching out because for me it's changed everything and I wanted to share. Again it may not be for everyone.


Did you by chance get internal obs from using tampons? I just had my first cycle since having this virus and be ob free. Just trying to figure if the friction from sec is triggering it for you.

  • 1 year later...

Now... When you engage in sexual activities that are penetrative. What kind of lubricants did you use or did you use any? Spit can only cover so much and some people have that juicy fruit where it seems like you have your own self lubrication.


I like water based lubricants. I love the cooling ones. Another thing I'll add, guys don't really know what they're doing. They just want to probe you and go jack hammer style because that's what they've seen on porn.

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