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Contracting herpes from lube?

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Hey everyone. :)


So I had a question. Yesterday I got together with a guy. We didn't have sex, neither of us performed oral, but I did touch his dick and after the fact, noticed that he had a sore on it. I washed my hands right after and didn't touch my genitals, but there was one part of it where I was squeezing some lube onto his dick and some of it slid off onto the ground and splashed up onto my inner thigh.


I talked to him today and politely asked him about his sore. He said I didn't have anything to worry about, but it did look like a herpes sore, and I'm worried about the lube that got up on my inner thigh.


I know no one can say for sure, but is there a good chance that I could contract herpes from lube that may have touched a sore, fallen onto the ground, and splashed up on my leg? Even as I write it, the question sounds kinda crazy, but I'm a super hypochondriac and when I called Planned Parenthood earlier, they didn't give any kind of relief with their answer (they said it was a possibility but didn't give any leaning with whether or not it was a high or low probability.) Has anyone gotten infected this way or a similar way? And does this seem like a viable way to contract herpes?


I already have type one, and get cold sores pretty regularly, so I know that my body has probably built up a resistance to type one. But since this sore was on his genitals I assume it is probably a type 2.


Anyone have thoughts on this?



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I think you had zero risk - the thigh is a pretty rugged (thick skinned) spot, and herpes takes a vigorous rubbing to get transmitted. Plus, it's pretty fragile, so a few seconds in the air, floor and lube would probably kill a ton of the buggers.


I would move on your merry way and just check your thigh area in a week or so - I highly doubt anything will be there!!

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Well 50% of new genital herpes cases are caused by HSV 1 through oral sex. Now w that said, I really think that you are over thinking this and have nothing to worry about. @wcsdancer2010 will be able to comment further, but I'm pretty sure she'll tell you that this wouldn't be something to worry about either. So relax.

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I think you had zero risk - the thigh is a pretty rugged (thick skinned) spot, and herpes takes a vigorous rubbing to get transmitted. Plus, it's pretty fragile, so a few seconds in the air, floor and lube would probably kill a ton of the buggers.


I would move on your merry way and just check your thigh area in a week or so - I highly doubt anything will be there!!

Thank you for commenting!! I'll try to relax. I definitely get overly anxious about these things. :)


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Well 50% of new genital herpes cases are caused by HSV 1 through oral sex. Now w that said, I really think that you are over thinking this and have nothing to worry about. @wcsdancer2010 will be able to comment further, but I'm pretty sure she'll tell you that this wouldn't be something to worry about either. So relax.


Thanks for responding! Yeah, I tend to over think a lot of things, trying to work on that lol :)

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Hello and Welcome!


Relax and BREATHE! If herpes spread that easily, EVERYONE would have it.


In order to get H, you need a pretty substantial "dose" in order to get infected unless your immune system is totally shot. Just like it takes about 40million sperm in order for the one victor to inseminate an egg, it will take millions of the Herpes virus getting into your system in order to become infected.


The H virus is actually pretty fragile with outside of the body... so exposure to the air and lube is more likely to kill it. Also it loves the thin skin in the genital region because it's easier to get into (and that area is more likely to get rubbed/nicked/rubbed) than the thicker skin of the rest of the body... which is why it *normally* ends up in the genitals.


Basically it takes skin to skin, sustained contact/rubbing to get enough virus into your system. A splash of lube is not going to contain enough live, viable virus capable of being passed on.



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Hello and Welcome!


Relax and BREATHE! If herpes spread that easily, EVERYONE would have it.


In order to get H, you need a pretty substantial "dose" in order to get infected unless your immune system is totally shot. Just like it takes about 40million sperm in order for the one victor to inseminate an egg, it will take millions of the Herpes virus getting into your system in order to become infected.


The H virus is actually pretty fragile with outside of the body... so exposure to the air and lube is more likely to kill it. Also it loves the thin skin in the genital region because it's easier to get into (and that area is more likely to get rubbed/nicked/rubbed) than the thicker skin of the rest of the body... which is why it *normally* ends up in the genitals.


Basically it takes skin to skin, sustained contact/rubbing to get enough virus into your system. A splash of lube is not going to contain enough live, viable virus capable of being passed on.




Thanks for putting my worries to rest!! This is an awesome community. So glad I found it. :-)

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