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Are my symptoms common to anyone else's? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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It all started about Sept 4-5

I am overseas in an austere environment and when I got here my left buttock and hamstring were sore and extremely tight, similar to sciatica. About a few days later my left kidney area was numb and tingly with a warm sensation. I continued my everyday routine with out any issues to include running and working out. Soon after a red mark appeared on my belt line on my back side/upper butt and a small rash on my lower middle spine, one dot on my left kidney are, and three on the left side of my hip/pubic bone. All were small bug bite size except the on my back side hip area. I saw the doc and he started me on hydrocortisone and after a about 5 days nothing changed. After some pustules formed on the red area. Only the one on my back and rear hip produced pustules from what the doc said and I could see the others they were just slightly red.


I saw the Doc again and and he asked if I had shingles before, I had not. I informed him I did have protected and unprotected sex (aug 23 and 28th) both oral and intercourse a few weeks prior with a new partner but have had zero symptoms associated with any type of STD itch, discharge, etc. Nor was any of this in my gential region or anus. The rash area did not itch in any way nor was it painful, more uncomfortable cause my belt rested on that area to keep my trousers up. I was given a shot of Rocephrin (antibiotic) and a few days later it started to dry up. They got red and seemed like blood was in the pustules but went away and left a scar.


I am back on full duty no issues at all just the scar but now I have a sore throat its red and seems like a canker sore in the back of my throat. Could these be related and are they common or am I having a bout of plain old bad luck. I am concerned because it had resembled HSV in every way in the beginning according to my paranoia and of course the internet. I have had zero symptoms or so I think. As soon as I return home I plan to have a blood test or what ever test is needed but as you all know anxiety and worse case scenario is filling my head. I have never been diagnosed with HSV 1 or 2 or ever had symptoms like this.


I have asked one forum and the one person said the symptoms were not conducive to HSV and West Over Heights clinic forum replied and said they were concerning.


Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply.

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Hi, first of all take a deep breath. Sometimes when we have a sore throat, white pus looking things will appear on the tonsil, throat area. The area also gets really red, possibly sores. So this could just be a coincident. Gargle with warm salt water. It really does help and see what happens. Look around are people around you getting sick? Here in the states people are getting sick. I actually have a lump in my throat right now. Time of the year. Cold sores usually appear on lips.


I'm guilty of thinking the worst many many times. Jump online search symptoms and next thing i know I'm dying. (According to online). You know what? We have this special power, we can control what our minds think. Even trick it into believing something untrue.


Be patient and relax.

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Os it plausible, yes? The travel and labor may have caused an OB. Not everyone gets them on the genitals.. Outside if the first 7 months after infection, I never get anything on my vagina anymore. I just get red bumps and sometimes pustules on my buttock. The symptoms from these, are nothing like when I get it on my genitals. Bi know others who only get the pain your describing and soreness on the left side, I get mine as you described on both sides... Everyone is different, because our immune systems are as unique as our thumb prints, so everyone responds differently.


W that said, we can't put the cart before the horse. Make sure you get a blood test 4 months post exposure and request an IgG type specific Elisa test. Good luck!

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Hello and Welcome!


So ... here's the thing... whatever it is, odds are you can't do anything about it. So worrying about it isn't going to change anything right now.... and as a 35+ yr veteran, I will tell you there are many many things you could have happen to you that are 1000 times worse than H.


Now, as for your symptoms ... given where it sounds like you are, I'd *guess* that it's not Herpes related. Sounds like a back/muscle pull and some kind of bite or reaction to something (given the antibiotics seemed to help ... they won't do anything for H) ...


You will need to wait 4 months post exposure to get tested and make sure it the type specific IgG .... AND ... if you are H+ for HSV1, odds are that you actually have it orally already and it's not related to the lesions you had (80% of the population has Oral H or "cold sores").


Either way, you will be just fine.... promise :)



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Thank you all for the positive feed back. @WCSDancer2010 and 2Legit2Quit, I will look to have that test upon return. It will be at 9-10 weeks since possible exposure when I am able to get that test. Will that be too soon to get any confirmation if it is or isn't not HSV 1 or 2. Should I expect any time frame of symptoms again?


@StillMeButWiser no one is sick and I don't feel any worse or sick symptoms. I have been running outside in this dry climate and I am a total mouth breather when I run. Could be part of it, lol. I truly appreciate knowing I am not the only one who's mind is racing and reads a symptom and now trying to attune myself to be aware of each symptom. It could be me over thinking it all.


Thanks once again.

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Thank you all for the positive feed back. @WCSDancer2010 and 2Legit2Quit, I will look to have that test upon return. It will be at 9-10 weeks since possible exposure when I am able to get that test. Will that be too soon to get any confirmation if it is or isn't not HSV 1 or 2. Should I expect any time frame of symptoms again?


As I said above... you need to wait till 4 months post exposure ... 9-10 wks is likely to be too early to give a conclusive result.


As for "time frame of symptoms" ... Sorry - nope, can't tell you if/when/how you *may* have prodromes or an OB IF you have herpes. 80% of people don't even know they have it because they either never have symptoms or their first symptoms are so mild they don't recognize it as herpes or are misdiagnosed by ignorant Dr's (usually in clinics/ER/PCP offices) ... of the remaining 20% some will have 1 OB and then no more... others (thankfully very few) will have constant symptoms for a year or more. How YOUR body deals with it can't be predicted. Immune function/health, age, diet, hormones, other stressors, and likely even genetics will all affect how H shows up for you. That said, *most* people have it the worst in the first 6 months to a yr ... once the body gets it under control we mostly get a few OB's/yr and once you know how you can attack it (episodic anti-virals and external treatments) in a way that works for YOU (again, what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another) you can usually keep things down to a manageable level so that it just becomes a nuisance skin condition in a really inconvenient place :)



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  • 4 weeks later...

@WCSDancer2010, @StillMeButWiser, @2Legit2Quit I am back in the United States and had my tests run. Negative across the board except abnormal for HSV2. I was shocked but prepared. When I talk to the counselor he said to get checked out again cause all the symptoms mentioned he said "sounds like shingles". One look at the scar and pictures when I saw my doctor he said "shingles". Went to planned parenthood looking for an expertise in the field cause I am sure it was not my doctors primary field of study, she said "shingles". The one question I posed to all 3 and could not get an answer on was if I had a recent shingles outbreak could that cause the positive result. Have you or anyone heard of that, is it possible? This happened first week of Sept since than I have taken no antiviral drugs and had no other symptoms. My hope or is if it comes back it will confirm something so I can go forward. I know I am probably like everyone else and praying not me, not me. I will except it either way and I already contacted my last partner as soon as I got the results. Her reaction was not the one I expected it was very nonchalant which made me wonder if she knew she had something. She has been taking her time to get tested. I could be wrong but thats how it seems. Anyways I am still in good spirits thank you all. I will pose that shingles question in a new discussion and maybe I'm not the only one it happened to. Take care......oh yeah anyone in the Raleigh NC area?

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Yeah, my docs said only shingles does that too! WRONG! Go see an infectious disease doctor and get a western blot. If you had a type specific Elisa test, then no it wouldn't cross combine. If you had a combined test, then if you've had chicken pox or any of the heroes viruses most of us have at aoneo point in your life, then yea it can cross react. Trust your gut... Her reaction is very strange how soon after exposure did you get your blood tested? That makes a difference.

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@2Legit2Quit I believe it was the Herpes select. I got it at quest diagnostics. about 2 months after suspected exposure . I know it was early in the window so either its always been there or something else. My IGG levels were high apparently 5.0


Thanks for the POC

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@2Legit2Quit, the original question was are my symptoms normal before getting the test I had no idea I was positive or not. The follow on question was......If I had a shingles outbreak could it cause a false positive with high IGG levels. The only reason I ask that is because all medical professionals who saw the rash that was their diagnosis. None of them could say for sure if a current/recent "shingles rash" could cause a positive result on a Herpes test. They all say anything is possible.

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Well, are they more atypical than on average? Yes, but there's some of us who have really atypical symptoms too. It's different for everyone in all honesty and pretry much nobody has a case that's identical to another, who are symptomatic.


The only way for your IgG to cross react due to other Herpes viruses you may have, is if it was a combined test. If you had a type specific IgG Elissa test, then no. What were your values? Many doctors don't want to believe or acknowledge the strange atypical symptoms H can have. My GO and rheumatologist also stated that H doesn't do what it did to me and said only shingles does, but I know that's not true. Have you not had that rash swabbed?

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@2Legit2Quit, My values were 5.0 for HSV 2 and Negative for HSV 1. No the rash was not swabbed I was overseas when it happened and there was no way to do that where I was. We were limited in medical support. I am positive it was type select IgG so I guess that shoots down that theory. Well it's been 2 months since I had the outbreak on my back and hip so I guess I will stand by and see what happens next, oh happy days. Ha!

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Well based on your values, I can tell it's type specific. Well, HSV 2 sounds like the culprit. Dknt Listen to GPs, they don't know Jack shit about herpes. God, I swear, they're part of the reason it's an epidemic. Just think how many come in w atypical strange symptoms and neevr a sore on their genitals and get blown off and say it's not H? Smh. I ha e broken out on my hip as well, yip of butt crack, akin just feels thin and like it will rup when I stand up or something and red bumps on my buttock. Had I not gotten my primary OB, I'd never suspected H w symptoms I have now... I even stay having what feels like ride soreness, but wotse, when sitting on hard surfaces and I'm a yr and four months in. Hang in there, you'll be OK. Did you contact contact he chic?

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Yes I contacted the woman I suspect of sharing this gift with me. She says she is planning on getting tested soon. Like I said before her nonchalant way about it makes me wonder. Or she could be freaking out, she hasn't shared much with me. Part of me hopes the chain stops with her but I also don't want anyone else to have it. It won't be any easier contacting passed partners and inform them of my situation and how it might effect them. I know it's the right thing to do though.


I am sure life will continue just with some new concerns. I have shared with some close friends and family but that's it for now....well and this forum. So far the ride has been interesting to say the least. Thanks for your help.

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Did you sleep w anyone after you slept w this person?


Bravo for you, for not even having a hesitation or argument, in whether to disclose!!/ wish we could do emojis on here to give you a round of an applause! I love hearing that from you, says a lot about you, your heart, your character and your compassion and empathy for others. Very selfless of you. <3


Np, so glad I could be of help. Anytime!

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@2Legit2Quit, Thanks for the compliment but I will be honest my stomach is knots and I think the fear of the pain I might have caused someone truly hurts me more than this gift ever could.


No I have not slept with anyone, last thing on my mind right now. I am sure urges will return but I need to learn to deal with this and find a way to be open about it. It sounds tough though. Are you open with everyone that is a part of your life?

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Awww... Listen doll.. You've done nobody any harm w intention . none! You have a conscious and an incredible one at that! Don't beat yourself up for something you had no control or idea of! You are jumping the gun here and assuming you infected other's! You did the best you could

, was proactive and cared enough to find out! Love yourself just for the fact you have an incredible heart!


You didn't give this to anyone else, so stop beating yourself up! The lady oetosn was your giver! Relax! You'll be OK, I promise!


I have told quite a bit of people. Probably more than the average person tekkd people and that's excluding potential partners for those people. .


I'm very open w those I am close to. I wouldn't disclose to casual friendsof nine, whibwe all hang out in a huge group. Just doesn't need to be something shared, unless we're super close. Have you not told anyone yet in your life?

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@2Legit2Quit, Yes I have shared the news with a few close friends and a family member. I will take it day by day and your advice on whom I share this with. So I guess it's not so bad right now but than again I have not had to have the talk with someone I want to share my life with. HaHa got that to look forward to one day. I am doing good though after talking with a good friend and getting his feed back. Thanks for listening. How many people do you talk to a day give them reassurance that things are going to be ok. I think you might have the incredible heart.

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How far prior to your blood test did you have relations with her? Her reaction could be of couple things, either she already knows or she doesn't want to know. My guy was same way. He freaked when I told him but never got tested. When I was tested 30days after first outbreak my blood work came back positive hsv2 value of 5. So I had it for awhile. When I mentioned to doctors, neurologist, therapist, etc they all had the same comment, he knew he had it. I was with the guy for shy of 4 years, however I did sleep with couple other people as we weren't committed. So who know where it came from. All you and I can do is not worry about them. They own the problem, getting testing and knowing for sure.


I would think shingles has different antibodies than hsv2 or say hsv1. After all those 2 are different. At this point, put your mind to rest and start acçepting and adjusting to having hsv2.


Welcome to class, take a seat, as we ride the journey together.

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