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Transmission of herpes - HSV2 orally?

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I'm hoping to find more information about the possibility of oral hsv2 transmission, the likeliness of it happening, do many of you have it? Have many/any of you given it? I'm finding it difficult to find information on this, I know it's rare, but if it is a possibility I'd like to be able to offer concise, factual information to my partner, not just "oh it's so rare, don't even worry about it." In short I really miss being on the receiving end of oral sex so any light anyone could shed on this would be oh so helpful. Please!!! I'm losing my f@cking mind!!!!!


I have wondered the same thing. I recently was diagnosed with hsv2 as well and had that concern. My doc told me basically not to worry too much, to be safe and conscious about not doing it during an OB, and to stay on meds to suppress the virus...this keeps the herpes at bay and makes it even harder to pass it on. It is very rare to pass hsv2 orally, so be careful but do not worry too much about it.


Have you downloaded the post-disclosure handout yet? The risks are all broken down there. And yes, it is very rare (only 1-2% of oral herpes is HSV-2). Still important for your partner to know, but to let them know the chances are super low, basically to the point of being non-existent. From our meeting with Dr. Peter Leone Monday, he says there's no reason any of us should not allow oral sex to be a healthy part of our sexual diet. ;)



... and here are some blog postings about this:



This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for asking this, Sugarplum. I had also wondered this. I am glad that I can now respond knowledgeably to any questions on this subject.

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