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Please help me find out what my next step is...

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I am in a poly relationship, I just found out that I am hsv 1 and 2 positive. I feel ashamed and mortified. I have been in the swing lifestyle for years and get tested.....obviously not frequently enough. My h u stand tested negative, still waiting for boyfriends test to come back. How do I tell the people I have had sexual interaction with? Any suggestions? I j u still don't know what to do next

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There is a difference between a swinging lifestyle and a poly one, I think.

Poly relationships are actual relationships, where people develop feelings.

I noticed above you mentioned both, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought here was a difference.


I struggle with disclosure, so I am not in a position to give good advice on it, but if you told your current 2 partners, I see no need to go back track and tell everyone else, unless there was one really long term partner in the mix, he might need to know.


When they do the standard std panels, hsv is not part of it. So unless you specifically asked for it, you would not have been tested....I would think at this point it would be hard to track down your giver....I am hsv1 and hsv2 positive.


Good luck, hugs

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