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Ask and you shall receive

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Thought I'd share what happened to me an hour ago. Just yesterday I was sharing my frustration about not knowing or meeting anyone with genital herps. WELL, I went to my local herb shop to look for some lemon balm for my rash and I ended up telling the worker about my herpes and she admitted to having Hsv2 also! She's had it for 17 years. She was with her giver for 5, but then married someone else!!! She is happily married and has a 7 year old :). Even though she's one of the lucky ones since she hasn't had an outbreak since her primary, she was very helpful and positive. I mentioned to her about my post from yesterday and she smiled and said "ask and you shall receive". Im not religious BUT it felt right. Also, last time I was there the other employee told me about how her sister was diagnosed 2 years ago. The weird thing is that on both occasions I hadn't planned on going but because I drove by I decided to stop.



I left the herb shop feeling extremely happy and hopeful :). Oh I ended up buying some Lemon Balm liquid extract and lemon balm soother/salve for my rash!


Anyways, this just shows that we aren't alone but also that maybe we should be more open to sharing our status. <3

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@desertlove Reading this made my day!! :-) The law of attraction was definitely working here!


I've often thought about what kind of difference I could make if I were more open with my status away from the internet. I'm not sure yet what that would look like in my own life, but there is such an opportunity for healing when we know we're not alone. I admire you for doing this!

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