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Sex and herpes symptoms

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When they say 'don't have sex when there's symptoms', what are they talking about exactly? Do they mean don't have sex when you have visible bumps/sores/whatever OR also with other symptoms, since I feel like I'm having symptoms pop up often that aren't visible bumps, just discharge, cloudy pee (tmi?) and stuff like that. I never used to get that stuff before I contracted HSV so I have nothing else to tie it to, I don't have a history of UTI's or yeast infections, so I assume it's the HSV. But I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid and taking every little thing as an outbreak. I just feel like everything's a bit messed up down there now, like there's always something wrong, constantly.


Is there anybody else who feels things are constantly a tad abnormal there? And is it safe to have sex when you're experiencing those things (not visible bumps but the other things)?


Hey stubborn,


Definitely don't have sex when you have visible symptoms. As far as the discharge, cloudy pee, what does your doctor say about that? From what I know, herpes doesn't affect those things. Are you taking care of yourself health-wise? You know, having herpes is a great excuse to take great care of ourselves since having a healthy immune system helps control the virus and has all the awesome side effects of having us be more healthy in general so our bodies can take care of us.


And if there aren't visible signs or symptoms of an actual herpes outbreak, then the risk of spreading herpes is what is covered on these handouts:



This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I have a follow-up question!

Is the no-sex-with-visible-symptoms due to the risk of spreading the virus, or is there a risk of aggravating the OB in oneself? My question is really - if the partner has it already and you don't hurt during sex, is there any reason to wait anyway?


I have a followup answer! ;) There is a chance of spreading herpes to other parts of the body during a visible outbreak. Even though auto-inoculation is hard to do, the times of outbreaks are when you're most contagious. Same thing with a partner who has the same strain of the virus (HSV-1, HSV-2 or both). When you have antibodies to that strain of the virus, it gives you a bigger level of defense, but not 100%. Waiting until you don't have any signs or symptoms of an outbreak is the best way to keep your outbreaks confined to one spot on your body. ;)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:


Oh darnit. This waiting game is getting quite annoying.. ;) Thank you for your answer though - this I did not know, and it seems to be quite tricky to get hold on the right information out there.

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