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itchy all over - is it from herpes?

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I don't think this has anything to do with herpes. What does your doctor have to say?

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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for me it only is itchy down there but if i dont take my medication for my tyroid i have a itchy feeling over my whole body, mostly after shower.It could be that you have a over or underfunction of your tyroid...you should go to your doctor for a test.

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at first i was worried that i was allergic to acylovir but it seemed to have lasted much too long to be caused by the medicine. My doctor said it just sounds like hives and did an allergy test that only came back positive for dust mites, theres not too much i can do about that but vacuum and keep clean as i have been. My doctor doesnt seem too knowledgable on herpes she told me that my intense headache/backpain/vomiting during my first outbreak was completely unrelated to having hsv2.

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I've been reading that viral infections can trigger autoimmune diseases. I'm dealing with pings and pangs all over my body thyroid pain (test normal) unexplained swelling of my eyes at night, gland pain. I'm going through a plethra of "symptoms" and was fine before this hsv thing came about...everyone says its not related. Maybe see about a neurologist referral?

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