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Herpes Dating Sites... Buyer Beware!

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Hello everyone,

I recently joined a herpes dating site, just to see if there was a difference in the way I felt about having herpes and maybe avoiding the "talk" all together. I thought it might let me be "me" without all the worry.

I joined a site called HSV Singles. My experience was not good. I discovered very few people are willing to post pictures. As other positive sites I have been on, for example, Positive Singles, which not only caters to people with herpes, but also HIV and other diseases, there were not many people from my area, in my age group, and unmarried. This is the third time I have attempted finding someone to date online with herpes... I have also joined Match, just FYI. With these sites, I found people are sad or depressed about their diagnosis and are so willing to have a negative attitude about it, I can't stand it. I want to tell them to join a support group, not a dating site...

The odds of finding someone on a non-herpes dating site are much greater than finding someone on a herpes site. Simply because of the number of people to choose from. For example, I am from Arkansas and did a search for men within an 200 mile radius, there were only a couple of dozen profiles.

I also want to warn people about certain herpes sites, some can be trusted, others can't. Many of the sites have "sister" sites, that are not for people with herpes. Some of the sites are scamming people out of money, such is the case with HSV Singles.

There was a discrepancy about my billing, so I decided to inquire. There was not an option of calling a number, I had to click on "Live Chat". I was asked what site I was inquiring about. I was asked for my first and last name, address, credit card numbers, and username. My account was "closed" in the middle of downloading a picture of myself. When I tried to ask why my account was cancelled and please give me a number to call, I was given 5 different 800 numbers I could call. The representatives do not use their real names, and I was told to wait up to 48 hours to find out why my account was cancelled. I had to call twice and have had three live chat conversations all with the same outcome, no help at all. It was not until I told them I would call my attorney, that they finally took my picture off the site. Bottom line, please be careful about which dating site you may choose to use, if any.


abbyroad78 thank you for the information. I have used one that you mentioned and had a pretty good outcome but then I moved and did not have much luck. I was always scared of trying a non-H dating site because of the fear that there may be people on it that I know, but your logic seems pretty interesting and I am letting that fear subside a bit. I tried one that advertised $9 for a year subscription. I set up an account then realized it was $9 for a month so I decided to upgrade to a 3 month subscription. I got to searching around and there was no more than five males on the site. It was really sad so I just deleted my account. I suppose I will try something different.


"With these sites, I found people are sad or depressed about their diagnosis and are so willing to have a negative attitude about it, I can't stand it."


Yes, while this is not the case with everyone, I had this experience with a couple of guys I met thru both Positive Singles and MPWH ("Meeting People With H"). I had joined these sites when I first started dating again after my breakup with my giver. I wasn't ready to fully put myself out there in the general dating population at that time. The men I met did not seem particularly well adjusted and one had apparently been blown off by a woman over H, and was super bitter and I felt like he was turning to me out of sheer desperation. One guy sent photos that could well have been 15 years old- he looked nothing like them when we met (nice guy though). Another was just kind of boring and negative- we didn't hit it off.


Match.com was a terrible meatmarket overall- I had one bland date and lots of creepers decades older than me constantly "winking", not even bothering to email. Ugh. However, my Eharmony experience was overall great. Met several really interesting, intelligent guys, who I went out with but didn't have chemistry; however, one is still a good friend. I then met a man several hundred miles away who I had tons in common with (of course such was my luck), we met, hit it off with great chemistry, I disclosed my H and he was so accepting and awesome about it. :) We're planning on seeing each other again soon.


I'd recommend signing up for a mainstream site like Eharmony, and maybe try your luck with an H site too.I see the success stories on MPWH, so I can tell the site has worked for some. I have talked to some nice people on there, but none were local to me.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi AllInaDaysWork and Atlantic! Thank you so much for your responses to my discussion post. This forum has helped me so much work through some thoughts and feelings I haven't been able to talk about with anyone else.

I have been on Match.com for a couple of weeks now, and have had the same experience with any other dating website. I think after my subscription reaches the end, I am going to take a break from dating. Lol....



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