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Broken hearted, first time single since before diagnosis


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Hello, I am new to this site. I just needed somewhere to go. Five years ago my boyfriend and I both tested positive for HSV-2. We were in love and had each other so it didn't seem like a big deal. Well he recently broke up with me and I have been dealing with the broken heart. But now that I am starting to open up to dating others, I realized I have this entirely new obstacle now. I'm struggling between my heart being ripped to pieces and than the idea of the next time I'm brave enough to open my heart again, I will be rejected because of a common skin condition that just has a bad stigma. Any advice for how to be brave enough to get back out there with both a broken heart and hsv?


I'm trying so hard to stay positive.


The bigger a deal you make out of it, the bigger a deal it becomes, all the while lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies with cash.


There's plenty of dating advice on this forum. Check out my ladies man herpes success disclosure thread. Herpes isn't a big deal, and neither is disclosure.


People seem to be more worried about disclosure than the actual virus itself. If that ain't the most ass backwards logic in the world than I don't know what is.


This is really about taking control of your world vs. letting the scarecrow of stigma control your life. It is not real. The stigma isn't based on facts. It's a marketing tactic. Don't let a marketing tactic ruin or control your life.

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