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Recently diagnosed with hsv2 and have met someone. Not sure how I feel about him yet, but was wondering if I should just go ahead and disclose to seal the deal giving him the option to see if there is more between us or not. Curious about others experiences. I have never disclosed.


suzyq15 first off if you are not sure about your feelings for him you may not have to tell him. If this is not someone that you feel you could date or be intimate with you may be able to save that discussion for someone you are more interested in. WIth that said, I have disclosed after dating someone for months and I have disclosed as early as a week. Both ended with the "we can still be friends but that is it" speech. I always thought that if I allowed someone enough time to get to know me and fall in love with my winning personality ;) then all the rest would not matter but that was not the case at least for me. I was actually happier with the quick disclosure because I got my answer fast without investing all that dating time. The decision on when to disclose is really up to you. I do suggest you do it before any hot and heavy make out sessions take place. That way you wont find yourself in a physical position with the difficult task of having to tell him then. No one wants a half naked man running out of their house late at night. ;)) But then again you never know he just might stay.


Thank you so much for responding! I was thinking along the same lines of investing time, then being disappointed anyway. I did end up telling him, just to get it over with and he was actually ok with it, to my complete surprise! I think it was easier because I texted him after he was asking if I wanted to see him again. Anyway, I appreciate your response and think I will continue just getting it out of the way in the future. :D

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