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Hello I just recently had blood work done that tested for hsv. I have been married for six years with no cheating involved, I’ve had 3 kids and I get a physical each year and I was never aware this test isn’t included. So i was surprised that my IGG results came back positive for hsv1 and negative for hsv2. The IMG results were negative for both hsv1/2. I can’t find anyone to answer my questions. How likely is it that I have hsv1 genital? Shortly after my diagnosis I got what my obgyn said was a yeast infection.. but what if was an outbreak? I told my husband about it and I’m pretty sure he thinks I cheated. He is very serious and quite and i am way more out going so if anyone was to cheat on the relationship it would be me, but it wasn’t. I’m really paranoid and since I found out, the day before thanksgiving, I have been feeling symptoms like burning and itchy, could it all be in my head? I’m currently pregnant and all I can think about is hsv1


Although I’m not married, but was for 10 years, and have always tested negative for everything during every exam, including prenatal exams. Back in September I went in for my annual, as I always do, and BAM I am HSV1 positive. I’ve never had an outbreak or any symptoms, but wishing a couple weeks of being told I am H+ I have constant burning and itching. I am completely in the same predicament as you, for when most part. I want to get a second opinion, but really don’t know where to go or who to speak with. Having someone who is a specialist is important to me at this point, but sadly in my small community there isn’t anyone. I am hoping someone will comment on this and help us both with some unanswered questions.


Unless you have obvious lesions to swab, there is no way to know the location. Statistically speaking, HSV1 prefers the mouth, so that’s the more likely scenario. Only about a third of those who have oral HSV1 ever get cold sores, and the *majority* of adults have HSV1.


This handbook is a great primer for basic information:



And this infographic is a wonderful representation of how common these viruses are:



Yes, those can be symptoms of HSV, but they can also be symptoms of countless other issues, including psychosomatic ones as you suggested. If your doc told you you had a yeast infection, I would believe her...they can often tell just by examining you. Believe me, I know the uncertainty is maddening. It’s definitely an “opportunity” for all of us to relearn the lesson that some things are unknowable and we’re not always in control. :)


No he hasn’t been tested yet.

But I do remember like 4 years ago he got a cold sore on the mouth once.

I called my obgyb and I asked her why she diagnosed a yeasts infection and she said

Because I saw under a microscope that it was yeast and I didn’t not see any lesions.

I still had symptoms after that.. burning, itchy.. I don’t know if I’m really just going nuts because I could almost promise this felt like an outbreak. And I don’t want to give to my hubby so how long should I wait so kiss or be intamate with him


If your hubby has had cold sores, he already has HSV1. It’s entirely possible you got it from him! The fact that you’re having a yeast infection means the most logical and plausible scenario is that the itching is from the yeast infection and the rest is in your head. (I say that with love....I’ve been there!) I know you’d rather have a certain answer, but it’s not coming. The closest you’ll get is knowing that statistically speaking, it’s most likely that you’ve had oral HSV1 for years and years with no symptoms and you just happened to learn about it while experiencing symptoms from a yeast infection.



Thank you so much for taking out of your day to correspond with me. Honestly, I will be forever grateful for your input. I will update on here. Especially after i give birth.


@Yellowmellow, you’re welcome, but I owe you an apology....I somehow totally missed your original statement about being pregnant! Good grief! Congratulations! I think this would weigh heavily on anyone’s mind when they’re concerned about the wellbeing of their unborn child. I hope my earlier posts didn’t come across as insensitive. Sometimes I’ll just get right to the point if I’m trying to answer a post between meetings or something, but I would have been a little less blunt and a little more understanding had I noticed the part about expecting.


One resource you may find useful is Terri Warren’s book, “The Good News About the Bad News” available on Amazon in print and as the Kindle version. Warren is a nurse practitioner who ran her own STD clinic for over 30 years and is now the HSV expert at WebMD. The short handbook she wrote is a great place to start, but I know the full book has a chapter dedicated to pregnancy. For $10, that may give you a lot of peace of mind. (I don’t have children, so I’m not much help in that regard.)


ETA: Since we now know your hubby has HSV1 (because he gets cold sores), you do not need to worry about giving it to each other. Theoretically, it’s possible to give a slightly different strain of the same virus to each other, but Warren told me through email that “While that is conceptually true, experts agree that there is no clinical implication to this theory and we do not discourage this kind of contact nor do we suggest that you be careful about transmission with someone who has your same type (1 or 2).” By all means, kiss and be intimate! :)

I want to get a second opinion, but really don’t know where to go or who to speak with. Having someone who is a specialist is important to me at this point, but sadly in my small community there isn’t anyone. I am hoping someone will comment on this and help us both with some unanswered questions.


FWIW, @lostandconfused99, you can ask Terri Warren questions for a small fee (see link below) although I’ve heard others say it can take several days for her to respond because of the volume she gets. That’s one option for getting some feedback from a professional if you don’t have one nearby. https://westoverheights.com/herpes-questions/


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