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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

What vitamins and medication to take for herpes?

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Hello all! I was tested for herpes about a week ago. I was very bothered down below and got checked immediately. Only thing is that I was not told what type of herpes I have. I will say that I was extremely scared. I did not know how to react and being only 22 I did feel like everything turned upside down. Luckily my older brother was with me and he was very much supportive. He has actually kept me sane these past few days along with my mother. I was prescribed Valacyclovir & have seen a difference. The pain those first few days were horrible!!! I did not even want to drink anything so I could stay away from the bathroom! I have talked about it with my boyfriend. He isn't aware of anything he might've had and said he hasn't been sleeping with anyone. So I'm here left confused. He said he went to get tested today along with getting blood work done. At this point I've been focusing on my health and have came across a lot of DOs & DONTs. I am aware of vitamins that can help me but I do not want to buy something that I'll take too much of. The week before I went to the doctor I ended my monthly. Then again 2 days ago I started. I am irregular so that did scare me a bit. My breakout had gone away but I am still on my monthly. There's about a million questions I want answers to but google doesn't help so much. I'm in the middle of finding a permanent dr to continue my check ups. Any advice on what I can take or use for rashes when using pads and having a break out would help. Or just anything in general! Reading so many of these discussions has showed me that I am not alone & there is hope. Thank you so much in advance! Soory for such a long repetitive rant!


Hey Surrealist!


Welcome to the forums! Yes, you are NOT alone. I promise you, having herpes isn't as huge a deal as it may seem when you hear all the stigma out there. The psychological implications are more than the actual physical ones.


For the knowledge-seeker in you, start off by reading these 2 handouts:




Other than that, before starting to take tons of medication and vitamins, see how future outbreaks go. Most of the time, the body is able to keep outbreaks under control after about 6 months to a year because the body immediately starts producing antibodies to protect itself. It's natural medication. And on average outbreaks only happen once or twice per year. Here are some blog articles on herpes medication and treatment:




Any other questions? Please just ask! We're here for you! Big hug!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:


Hi there! Just a comment about your period....I'm not a doctor, but the first thing I thought when I read your post was that your body was just doing some extra cleansing. Women are lucky in that our bodies do a cleanse once a month (or more often if we need it). Just another perspective on it :) Also, have you ever heard of a Diva Cup? I HIGHLY recommend it for many reasons, but specific to your post, it's leak-free so you wouldn't need to worry about pads that may be irritating to your skin (www.divacup.com). Much love! Beckie


My experience was that, once you've survived the first OB, the worst is over provided that you take your Valcyclovir and take care of yourself. For me, eating well (lots of fruits, veggies and reducing artificial stuff) has definitely helped as has reducing my alcohol consumption and exercising more. I do take certain multivitamins and supplements, but more importantly I focus on eating well. I can happily report that this new priority on my health also has me feeling and looking better too. :)


The first outbreak will throw your body and female cycle out of whack, probably a lot to do with the stress. Your cycle will regulate itself after a while.


You will notice that becoming exhausted and otherwise running your body down (drinking excessively etc.) will precipitate outbreaks. Taking care of your body (which you should be prioritizing anyway) becomes more important than ever. Be well.


Thank you so much for your help! It is greatly appreciated, I've been feeling much better. Eating healthy was not something I stuck to a lot but has been a great change in my life. Thanks again!


I was diagnosed about a month ago, I know the feeling. I will vouch for the reducing the alcohol intake, I FIND it so cruel hahaha but at the same time I am keeping positive by believing this is a blessing in disguise for my health. Also I noticed MARGARITAS a big no no, I learned it the hard way! Vitamins that boost my immunity and forcing myself to sleep has helped too!

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