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Hello and here is my story

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Hello everyone,


Where to begin? My name is Shannon I am from Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. I found this site after doing a search about herpes. Five days ago I developed a discharge that was creamy and liquidy. Sorry for the graphicness. It was not going away at all. Three days ago I started to get raised bumps that were incredibly painful. I could barely walk. They were not itchy or anything. They seemed to be more prevalent where the discharge accumulated. I went to the doctor yesterday and to my shock she said it looks like herpes. I of course asked her to test me for everything like other sti's and possible bacterial vaginosis. She said she would be incredibly surprised if it was not herpes. Yeah me!


My partners have always been long term, the longest one being seven years. I am 33 years old and have had six partners. Never any casual sex. Each partner would have an STI test before we started a new sexual relationship. of course as you probably know herpes needs a blood test if you have no symptoms and is not included in the standard STI test. You have to request it. My doctor told me that sometimes you can even have no symptoms and this can lay dormant without symptoms. So I suppose if the test comes back positive this means I could have had this for a long time with no outbreaks. Although things like stress and lack of sleep are supposed to bring out an outbreak so you would think I would have had one a whole heck of a lot earlier considering my Dad died in April of Cancer and we were looking after him since February.


My current partner is fairly new, we have been seeing each other since March. I will get my test results in two weeks and find out for sure if this is in fact herpes. I am trying to find ways to treat the pain of the sores right now. I have been soaking in a bath tub with a bit of salt in it and a couple drops of oil of oregano. My doctor has put me on the prescription Valtrex.


So there you have it, that is my story.


Nice to meet you all.



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Welcome Shannon, and thanks for sharing.

Whatever it turns out to be, I just want you to know it's not the end of the world. Although it felt like the end of the world at first, I've come to find out after a year of having herpes, that it's actually more physically and emotionally managable than I ever imagined.

I imagine that you must be feeling really frustrated, knowing that you've been so careful all these years and now there's a possibility of having herpes. I am sorry. It just goes to show how wrong the stigma is. It's estimated that 80% of people who have genital herpes don't even know they have it. Really can happen to anyone, and you are certainly not alone- no matter what this turns out to be.


Sending healing thoughts!

It's nice to meet you too.


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Welcome Shannon! Another Canadian!! I am from around Calgary, Alberta. I am so glad you have reached out for help and support. This must be such a stressful time for you right now. I am so sorry to hear of your loss with your Dad and also with what you are going through now. The waiting is the worst part. Ugh. I remember that. As Katie said, once you actually live with herpes, it's really not the big deal it feels like initially. As Katie has said, 80% don't even know they have it. I was one of those 80% for years I think. From this point on, it is what it is. You will get through it. When you are in the middle of an OB, it feels so awful, but it gets better and you move on and realize it's more of an inconvenience at times, just like having the flu or coldsores or your period. It comes, it goes, life goes on. It doesn't make you any less of a person. In fact, in my opinion, it can make your stronger, more loving and more accepting. Just hang in there my dear and please let us know what you find out. If it is herpes, then we are here to hold your hand, love and support you and get you through to the other side where you see the blessings.


Much love!! Brenda xoxo

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Hello neighbour! I'm also from Winnipeg...that's awesome!! You've totally found the right resource...and so quickly! I'm super impressed you've taken charge of this situation and have sought out help and support so early on, even without knowing whether or not it's herpes. This is gonna sound wack, but becoming more and more grateful for having herpes. Finding this community full of amazing people (Katie and Brenda, to name a couple!) and really getting over the tremendous shame I carried around herpes and my sexuality in general has been soooooo life changing and liberating. If it turns out to be herpes, my advice is to start early by seeing it as an amazing opportunity. Life really is about perspective, and this can be chock-full of great things if you want it to be. AND I'm totally open to getting together in person at any time if that's something you'd like to do. Just message me. Ciao for now!!!! Much love, Beckie ;)

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