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I found out two days before my 20th birthday

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Two days before my birthday I go to the doctor because I noticed sores in the area. I went in thinking it cannot be anything too serious. The doctor didn’t even have to send results in to get tested to tell me that I have herpes. I have never had any issues down there. Not even a yeast infection. This boy I met two months prior and I have been having unprotected sex. I have already talked with him about it and he had no idea and he wants to get tested. He seems supportive but he told me he doesn’t want me to bring it up again. I found out yesterday and I’m scared I feel disgusting and I feel ruined like I will not be able to lead the life I want. I am in college right now to be a doctor but I truly feel that having this virus is going to hold me back from following my dreams. I have not told anyone in my home and I feel alone. I don’t want to be here anymore

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I had my first outbreak in about my third week of university (I was 19) and I felt just like you do right now. Just take a bit of time and let it settle in and try to be calm and just let yourself process it. Honestly, apart from the disclosure thing, it doesn't affect my life at all! It's such a common virus, you will absolutely be able to go on and do amazing things with your life and fulfil every one of your dreams!

I totally understand that it is difficult to talk to people, especially young people at college about it and that's fine. That's what forums like this are for! I still haven't told anyone that I have the virus, only my ex knows and I've managed so far. You're going to be fine, promise!

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Thank y’all for the advice! I have medicine and i am finally on the down heal of my first breakout healing. If it wasn’t for my doctor and my family that i disclosed this to... I would have been a lost soul.


Thank y’all again, Pm

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