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I had been dating a guy for 2 weeks and seeing a lot of him. He kept making plans for us in the future like sporting events and concerts but I wouldnt let him buy any tickets until I disclosed. So I would just act like yes I want to go but lets not make things definite yet. He also would mention not seeing any red flags with me and inside I would cringe thinking well there’s 1 I havnt told you yet.

Yesterday he brought up that he had a gift idea for me and so I thought Im gonna tell him before he goes buying me something.

So we were sitting outside waiting for dinner to finish cooking and I said I need to tell you something that I personally dont see as a big deal but some people do. Then I told him I tested positive for herpes 2 yrs ago and that I have never had an outbreak but ever since finding out I have taken the medicine daily. I told him about the 1% chance of transmission if we had regular sex for a year or 2% if we for some reason in the future didnt use condoms. I asked if he had ever been tested and he said no bc he hates needles. He said the risk sounded really low and he didnt have a problem with it. I said ok well I will probably be nervous for the next 2 weeks that you may change your mind. He said I understand that but I really dont see it as a problem. So we just talked about other stuff and moved on.


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