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Possible vaccine for uninfected people (ie. our partners) under development

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Hi friends,


This was probably discussed somewhere on the forum but I couldn't find it, so I post it here.


A team on the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, with public funding, has been doing a research on monkeys and guinea pigs using a vaccine aimed at those who are uninfected, to provide them with pre-infection tools to better counter an eventual infection - to the point of making it negligible in terms of outbreaks and contagion.


Note that this would be a "preventive" (prophylactic) vaccine, for a person who's not infected, to super-charge his/her inmune system. If that person was later on infected for whatever reason, a smarter inmune response would take care of the virus effectively.


So it is not a "cure" (therapeutic) vaccine for those of us already infected - in our case, the virus is already very well hidden.


The findings were published in Jannuary 2017. Aparently some good results showed up.




“If the vaccine behaves like this in people, it would limit lesions to appearing only about one day in 100, and the virus would be potentially contagious only about two in every 1,000 days,” Friedman said.


In principle, he added, that would virtually shut down HSV2’s ability to spread in the population.


- https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2017/january/new-genital-herpes-vaccine-candidate-provides-powerful-protection-in-preclinical-tests


Between, on that article we have a very "nice" picture of our little "friend" hibernating in the fiber of a neuron - which is by the way the first time I ever see a picture of the virus.


Here is a follow up - an interview with Dr. Friedman in late 2017. He says human trials could start in 18 months (mid 2019):


- https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/10/11/herpes-vaccine-update-interview-penns-dr-harvey-friedman-11940



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Thanks for sharing.

It's good to catch up on tje medical research occasionally.


I would add the disclaimer that research has been fruitless for a very long time now. That holding off on life plans to wait for cures and vaccines is probably a poor choice.

But hoping to stop the spread of the virus isn't inherently bad.


For now, as always, we will have to wait and see what happens.

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