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Just found out and so so scared.

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I haven’t even had blood work come back yet but my gyno prescribed Valtrex after a visual examination.

I’m afraid that I could have something else on top of this... I’ll have to wait a week to know. Although I did purchase an at home oral hiv test that was negative, just for peace of mind I’m the meantime. I’m still worried about it.


This is my fault... I feel ashamed and gross and like a waste of a person... especially not knowing if I could have an additional infection. I’m honestly terrified.



I’m a recently single mom of 4 going thru a nasty divorce. I feel like a terrible person and mother.

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Read my post in the General discussion. I was there exactly 7 years ago. Your fine...The wait sucks but the mind and what you can imagine can be worse. Heres some advice; Don't lookup things on the internet. Herpes is only a skin issue. Your going to be ok and keep reminding yourself of that.


We tend to worry about the worse case scenarios. Look at the best, then look at the worse. Usually the reality is exactly in the middle....Promise... It doesn't define you as a person.....And is it not your fault.

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Okay, let's just operate on the assumption that your blood will come back positive for HSV. It sucks, especially given that you're going through a divorce. However, this will have minimal impact on your physical well being going forward. HSV really isn't a big deal. Typically the worst part of HSV is the undeserved stigma. Mostly it really just periodic skin rash that improves as your bodies build up antibodies. 90% of people who have HSV don't know it because their symptoms are so minimal.


With that said, you're currently going through the toughest part and each month life will be easier. While there isn't a cure for the virus (at least currently) it's something you can manage. Valtrex has been clinically proven to reduce occurrences and severity of symptoms (especially if you elect take take it daily). This also won't impact the longevity of your life.


You're not a bad person for contracting it regardless of how it occurred. Things happen and how you handle the situation will be a better reflection of who you are as a person and as a mother. HSV isn't for terrible people. Anyone can get it.


As far as anything else that you may be positive for, you're going to be patient and see what turns up in your blood test. This is probably the hardest part. However, worrying prematurely won't do any good. Just do your best and stay positive!

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Thank you for your comments. I’m having my first outbreak right now and it’s very painful and that’s making the emotional part worse, I think. As well as ongoing negotiations with my ex and I really don’t want him to find out about this...


If it’s only this I have to deal with, and I so hope I didn’t damage my body any further... I think I can learn to accept it.


I am looking at myself differently now. And I will certainly make better choices in the future.


I had to call out of work today...

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So speaking from experience, ex's + divorces = breakouts.........Trust me on this one. A divorce is so much emotion there's nothing left but stress and anxiety, especially since the Attorneys' took everything else...ugh....


Try your best to keep the stress in check. Its a game changer for sure. Sounds like a needed vacation with the kids is in order.....

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