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Just when I had gotten over my depression I'm starting to having an outbreak. It never fells, I will never be happy again. Had sex two days ago, monthly gave on yesterday, outbreak today. I see the blisters forming on my vagina. I'm so sick of this. How do you all deal with it?

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Being a guy might be different..who knows....I use to get so upset and stressed. I was completely depressed and thought my life was over. I thought no-one could ever love me, ill be all alone forever and how can i ever go by my kids again...


Fast forward years later and life is good. I sometimes have some pain or fatigue, i might itch more than normal but oh well. It is what it is and i can't change a thing. What i can change is how i feel about myself. And so can you...


Sex can bring on a outbreak or so I've heard but so can wine or chocolate or being stuck in traffic. The only thing we know for sure is that we don't know. If the sex was really good, then go for it. It will only be a minimal onset. You will look back at this one day and have a big sigh of relief that the sadness and depression are gone.


You will adjust to this inconvenience like the rest of have or will. It won't consume your thoughts and one day you'll just forget. I told someone else that tea tree oil works well for me as does Lysine supplements. Could be mental placebo effect but it did make a difference.


Keep your head up and keep having fun

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Seastar nailed it,

It gradually gets easier. Someone once told me something that really helped me:

Recovery isn't a constant state of improvement. It's a shakey, general trend.

Feeling down sometimes is okay, and it's really good that you reached out when you felt like you needed some reassurance!


We're all on your side, hoping you take the time to see what a great person you are. It won't be so tough forever. Herpes won't be your biggest problem for long either, I can assure you that work and the rest of life take a front seat again pretty quickly.

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