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Do I really need to go to an Infectious Disease doctor for genital HSV 1?

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Hi everyone,

Just curious if I should really go to an Infectious Disease doctor for genital HSV 1. Or is it better going to an OBGYN?

I went to see my OBGYN about this with my boyfriend who tested negative for type 1 and 2 from an IgG blood test. We never had intercourse but we would like to wait for the right time.


A little background on this whole situation is that I've had genital hsv 1 for almost 2 years ( I was diagnosed in July 2016) and only had one occurrence a couple months ago which went away in a few days with antivirals and was very small.

I was diagnosed from a typed culture that came back positive for HSV 1 and negative for HSV 2. My IgM was also positive while my IgG was negative indicating this was a recent infection. Long story short I'm no longer with that person who gave it to me for other reasons and not that he gave me herpes.


So I met my current boyfriend about 3 months ago and was open and honest about my situation, I didn't want someone to suffer like I did. No emotional support or even know what they had at that point. He's been very supportive like going to the doctor with me to talk to OBGYN and get information on my condition. He's just very scared of catching this from me and made it clear he does not want this.


He was also with a girl who had oral HSV 1 with recurrent outbreaks for 2 years and has never caught it or the blood test missed his antibodies but he's confident he doesn't have it. I just don't understand his hesitance... He had more of a chance getting both oral and genital hsv 1 from her than me...


Anyways, my boyfriend was skeptical about some of the things she said, some being;

1. I'm 99% not contagious and the only time I'm really contagious is during an outbreak and to just avoid sex at that point obviously.

2. There are really no precautions to take when we have sex.

3. It's possible that I have oral hsv 1 though I never had a cold sore during or since my initial genital outbreak.



Has anyone ever been to an infectious disease doctor for this? What was your experience? Was it negative or positive?

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You actually can take steps to minimize risk, bit there will still be risk. Helping your dude to understand that risk is important.

You can take a daily suppression medicine to help your immune system supress the virus and prevent transmission. You can also use condoms.


Personally, when I first found out, I was too nervous about the risk to have sex without both medication and condoms even for a long time after healing from my first outbreak.

And that was okay.

Because the important things is to be able to enjoy a relationship and sex without feeling guilt or regret.

Nobody deserves to feel that way.


So, keep talking to each other about stuff until you don't need to.

I think it's really great that you both went to a doctor together. Profound stuff.

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