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I’m 29, married and just been diagnosed with hsv2! Help!

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I’m recently married (3 months ago - with my wife for 6 years prior). We’ve both always been faithful however I had an igg test last week as I’d been having reoccurring infections in my thumb, which only seemed to come around when I was run down or very stressed. Over the last 7-8 years I’ve been getting this infection 1-2 times per year. Ive also had, what I thought were, I grown hairs around the boxer short area but no obvious OBs.


My igg, hsv2 specif, test came back positive with an index of 14. The doctor told me because it was so high it indicated an existing infection and because the count was so high was the reason I’ve probably not had an OB.


I’m so stressed now and told my wife, she will be tested this week but I’m terrified she is going to leave me. She has already said that she doesn’t mind if I have it and she has an incling she may have it already due to some unusual bumps she notices over the years but wrote off as itchy underpants.


Does anyone have any advice? I’ve just started my married life and we want children next year and I’m now terrified Charlotte will not get past this if she is negative.


Thank you in advance



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Sorry about this happening to you, she already saying that she doesn’t care if you have it , so I don’t think you have anything to worry about, and who knows she probaly has it too then there’s nothing to worry about passing it on or not , y’all gonna be fine

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Thanks for the support. My wife has done her research and is being very supportive. We got married because we love each other so she’s said if I have it and she doesn’t then she can live with the risk. Our doctor told us that only up to 5% of people with this actually get OBS? Does that sound right? Majority of people will never know they have it due to no obvious signs.

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If she said its ok, then its ok. there is no need to worry until there is a need to worry. If she is giving you every indication that it is going to be alright, then don't let your mind play games. Carry on like nothing ever happened....Enjoy your life...:)

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Thanks for the support. My wife views the whole thing as a skin rash that most people have. She doesn’t buy in to all the stigma surrounding it, which has been so relieving to hear. I’ve also only ever had 1 outbreak, that I can recall, so it’s never been an issue.


Ignorance is bliss. I wish I’d never had the test done!


It’s amazing having the support from her and everyone on here, I hope everyone else finds the support they need!







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An update...wife got tested. She also has herpes!!


Means that one of us had it before the relationship (7years ago). Neither of us have active break outs (recently)


We cried, we laughed, we loved and we’ve moved on!!


We now know and we are looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together - with our little secret!!


I encourage everyone, recent or newly diagnosed to not let this define you! We’ve lived with it for 7 years and we’ve never been stronger!



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Glad you're both being so strong and supportive toward each other!

You're absolutely right that it doesn't change anything significant for either of you.

I can't remember if I said it, or my girlfriend said it first but..

"It's just a thing that isn't really a thing."

And it's alright if it gets you down once in a while, as long as you can talk about it when you need to.

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