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What's going on???

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Bare with me on this, please.


About 2 months ago I started getting itchy genitals, not so much as to say anything but as time went by I noticed this was a recurring thought and becoming more intense and then was hit with a hemorrhoid attack. Both of these are quite unusual for me. Then on May 1st I was struck by a fever of 102.5 for 2 days. My symptoms were extreme headache and neck pain, but no nausea or cold like symptoms and no one in my else in my family (4 kids or husband) caught the illness. That weekend I went and got Monistat 1 and waited a week and took a second dose when I did not see improvement and after the second dose, it actually became worse. I visited my NP and she gave me a dose of Fluconazole. With 48 hours of taking that I felt like I would climb the walls due to the intense pain and itching. I was crying and beside myself, this was 19 days after the fever. The next week I went to see a Midwife who said she suspected herpes. She swabbed for herpes and a vaginal swab to test for bacteria. That was on Thursday, the 24th and then yesterday was a holiday and I still haven't gotten my results back.


Today, I am still itchy and have started getting to get sensations that I can only describe as lightening bolts of intense itching to specific pin points. The itchiness is still present and have noticed a few black dots in my labia. In addition, my mouth is now sore with a black dot and what feels like cracks in my cheeks and down my throat as well as a metallic taste and I am back to starting to feel fatigue again.


I am not sure what to think about all this. I have been married for 18 years faithfully and have 4 kids. While I was a teen I was promiscuous due to sexual reactivity due to abuse, so this might likely be a result of that behavior, though it is hard to believe that it remained dormant for 20 years. ( I do not suspect infidelity in the least.)


My symptoms are starting to baffle me. I am uninsured and don't care to seek out other medical professionals until I get the results of the swab tests, but these new mouth symptoms have me stumped. If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice, I would gladly appreciate it. I can deal with the feelings of shame and wonder how to protect my kids from this after I get my most immediate symptoms dealt with.


Thanks so much....

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With all those symptoms, it's difficult to say that it is herpes.

One thing is for sure, that steriods can make herpes outbreaks worse.

Decide to focus on the things that have always been important to you, and try to picture the future as an exciting, fulfilling thing.

Get your swab results and take action based on rational, objective decisions rather than based on fear or anxiety.


The usual caveat:

I'm not a doctor and have near zero medical knowledge.

Always talk to your doctor about stuff like this and follow their recommendations.

Give your doctor all of the important information you can and be 100% honest with them.

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