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First Sex Post Diagnosis

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So there's this guy who I have had a tiny crush on (there's no chance it'll actually work out for a variety of reasons, but it's fun at the moment), I'll call him W. Me and W had sex for the first time in February and have made out/cuddled/hooked up a few more times. But I ended up noticing STD symptoms at the end of the month and told him about it so we didn't do anything sexual the last time we hung out since I didn't want to potentially infect him with something. He was really nice about it and cuddled with me but after he left we didn't talk to each other for a while.


Fast forward like a month and a half, and the only potential partner I had told was a FWB who said he didn't feel comfortable having sex with me since I have H. I was also scared of disclosing to people I didn't know very well, so I just wasn't sexually active during this time. I was on antivirals and no longer on my first outbreak though.


I went to a party and W was there. We ended up going home together and he asked about my "situation." I told him that I had herpes and kind of word vomited a bunch of statistics. To my surprise he seemed ok with it, but he did say all the statistics overwhelmed him a little lol (SO DONT DO EXACTLY WHAT I DID). We ended up just sleeping and cuddling and doing non sex-sexy stuff.


But then in the morning he asked if I still wanted to and we used a condom and tbh the sex wasn't that great but I felt great because my confidence was back. I now know that herpes doesn't define me and if someone is attracted to me that won't necessarily turn them away :)


Sorry if this is kind of all over the place. I meant to write it a while ago, but I forgot to finish! I'm going to write a few more stories about disclosing now so sorry if you see a bunch of my posts at once!

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