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Successful disclosure

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Well I finally did it. I disclosured to someone that is romantically interested in me. I met him through my work & have been talking to him for a couple weeks now. Last night I had decided to tell him because I could tell we were both starting to have real feelings for each other. I couldn't allow it to go on without letting him know & allowing him to decide if he wanted to invest any more time. He's 11 yrs older than me. I'm 44. Both divorced & really looking to move forward. So proceed forward to the end of an amazing evening, where I knew we were both very much interested in each other, & I told him. He said he didn't know much about it but trusted me & for sure still wanted to,move forward. Never in a million years did I think this would have gone this way. He said he respected me more now for opening up to him & knew right away that he still wanted more. Since my diagnosis I have made up a 10 date rule before sex, he knew this & has been ok with it since I told him. Now that he knows why I have this rule he is hoping I shorten it by a lot. So now I turn to all of you, 1st off to share my joy but to ask his question. How safe is oral sex? I have 1 & 2 with only have a few very small OBs. I have never had a cold sore in my life. Im not taking a daily med. I know I can absolutely not guarantee him 100% that I don't give it to him but any advice here would be helpful. I want to keep him safe while enjoying each other in everyway possible. Thank you so much for taking the time to read & help out.

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