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Swollen lymph nodes after 2 months

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Dear all, hope to find you well. I just wanted to ask you if some of you also experienced swollen lymph nodes in the groin area that kept being inflamed after 2 months from the first outbreak. I already checked them with ultrasounds twice + my primary doctor visited me yesterday telling me they have the average size, but they were not like that before my first OB.

How long will it take for the glands to become normal again?

Also with the outbreak I had my low abdomen swollen and very hard (since I have Herpes in the anal area)

Thank you for your responses

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @gb94 

Everyone is different as you'll discover if you keep reading this forum. It does take a bit for the lymph swelling to go away. For me it depends on 2 things. First, the severity of the outbreak--the swelling lasts longer the worse the outbreak has been. Second, how diligent I am with my supplements. On the daily, I take 3000mg of lysine. I'll up that if I eat an H trigger food ( for me it's chocolate). If I feel prodrome or have an active OB then I'll do 9000mg daily until all symptoms are gone including lymph swelling. (If I catch during prodrome, I'm often able to prevent an OB.)

Just recently dealt with a chocolate-induced outbreak and ran out of lysine at the same time so lymph swelling is fresh in my mind. It took about 7 days of the high lysine dose for all symptoms to disappear; the last 3 or so was just for the lymph.

Hope that helps. 

Good Luck!! 🌼

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