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So many questions

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So my husband and I have been together for 10 years. He is the only one I've had sex with (I met him younger). He has never had any signs of herpes. Well a few days ago, I noticed a larger ulcer in my labia /vagina canal. It looked like a large canker sore. Then a day later I had a couple more large canker sores in my labia/vagina canal. I know my husband has not cheated on me, nor have I. Is it possible after 10 years to finally get herpes? Everything is so swollen and red, I cant do anything, sit, lay, walk because of the pain. I'm waiting on my test results but it's killing me to wait. I just feel like everything is over. I just want to lay in my bed forever. I can't eat, drink, or sleep, partially because I don't want to pee because it hurts so bad and partly because I feel just plain miserable. I feel like I'm in a dark hole and everyone else is on the other side. 

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I'm so sorry about the pain you are going through, it is miserable but there will be an end. You could try doing an Epsom salt bath, it specifically helps nerve pain which is where the herpes lives and what causes the pain. After the bath I would blow dry on low. I learned this from people of the forum and it worked for me! Peeing right after was also less painful.  You could try peeing in the bath, or what I did was buy gloves and spread myself apart by holding the outsides of the labia (without touching any sores!! Very important). This helped to keep the urine off of the sores and it would burn far less. Also just different angles of peeing. 

I know you don't want to pee, I know that feeling, but it is really important to stay hydrated because if it is herpes then you have a virus. Drinking will help your body fight it.

Herpes can live in people for years without symptoms, so it is possible I think. Also do you have oral sex, because you can get the same herpes (hsv-1) genitally. Obviously you have to wait for your results, but your doctor did not perscribe you antivirals? Did they tell you it is probably herpes from a visual diagnosis? If they did not maybe you want to go get a second opinion if you can. I got diagnosed (visually) and given medicine in urgent care before my results could come back. 

As as for your questions I found this site to be extremely reliable in regards to information, and they even have a handbook! https://westoverheights.com/forum/

Everything seems awful but you can and will get through this. 


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