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Hey everyone!

I’m just looking for some emotional support and to see if anyone has had a similar experience.  I am sure I have HSV and am waiting for a family doctor intake appointment on Tuesday.  I believe I am having mild outbreaks which occur always at the end of my period but not every period.  My first one happened approximately 3-4 weeks after I started having sex with my ex.  I currently am single and am scared to date anyone at all.  I usually get some prodromal symptoms which include itching and slight redness always in the same spot to the left of my vagina. I usually get 1 or 2 tiny bumps but it never fills with fluid or blisters.  This happened to me on Tues night and today I Don’t have any symptoms.  Usually it can last anywhere from 3-7 days. I called the sex health health clinic today and they said they only do a swab if there is a visible lesion and they don’t do PCR blood test.  I now have an intake appointment on Tuesday for a new family doctor and am going to wait and see if I can have the blood work done since I currently have no symptoms.  Have any of you had a similar experience?



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4 hours ago, Lily7 said:

What type of medication have you tried? Have you tried any natural alternatives??

I haven’t taken any because mine hasn’t been bad but now its more burning and irritation so I got to start something! I took Valtrex and it caused me skin rash but I’m going to try some home remedies a lady told me about 

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