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Just found out.

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Hi Cece, 

I am so sorry. The initial pain and feelings of despair are really intense. There's no getting around it. Your body is learning how to fight this thing, and it will get better at it. Your mind is also learning how to deal with having something "forever". If you can, rest and just do every little thing you can to comfort your body and heart right now. Binge watch some netflix, take baths if you are able. Drink lots of calming teas. I do recommend some therapy if you're able to. There are lots of caring people who can help us come to terms with this and teach us how to cope. And being on here really helps too. You are absolutely not alone. -J

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I’ve just found out too. I’m devastated. I feel scared, alone and confused. I guess we’ll all get through it together. We can’t let a medical condition define us. Please please message me if you would like someone to talk to - I’m in exactly the same position! X

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I’m in the exact same situation. Split with ex partner over a year ago now after him continuously cheating on me... nevertheless only found out Friday that I have the virus. Not only am I so angry and frustrated right now, I feel my future not only relationships but other things have just completely gone from my mind. I couldn’t imagine how I’m gonna ever open up about this to anyone 😕.... would love to chat to some of you and hear some positive stories. 


Thanks angel x

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Hi guys! It sucks right? Here's the thing. We need to take it step by step. I'm only a month in, but I have already cried myself to sleep like 15 of those 30 days, I've spent more hours researching on internet than working, I've been judged by the woman at the clinic, told I "do not have the same thing" as the guy who gave me this thing -needless to say, he's been removed from my life...and not for having a virus, but for being completely careless and insensitive-. What else? I've experienced anxiety, insomnia and something that felt like a panic attack, also I think I might have gotten med intoxication from the super high dose of acyclovir I got prescribed on my first ob. OHHH.. and I've already had a second ob... probably because of all the crazy stress. HOWEVER... if I learnt anything in the last month is that it is ok to feel sad, angry, confused, guilty and n negatives.... BUT, we have to try to focus on all the positives. The positives now. Not the in the future blah... and my next relationship blah.. and what if/what if not. 1 in 5 ppl ages 13 to 46 live with this...80 percent don't even know. It is up to us to decide how we want to live and pain is inevitable but suffering is optional, so take it one step at the time. You are here, you are still who you were before this happened and you still have everything you had before to make life amazing for yourselves...if anything a little bit more challenging. But now you are stronger, and you are wiser! 

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I found out a week ago. And I was in the worst pain ever. Went to obgyn he helped me with the pain. Im going thru all the emotions. Its cleared up now still have 2 days left on my meds.

I don't know Who I caught it from. I have told the person i was with and he's getting checked. I'm scared I can't go to family or friends. Im glad I found this. I've been reading tons of threads

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