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Sleep well but then....

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Just wondering has anyone experienced sleeping with no problem but once you wake up, all symptoms return? Mainly pins and needles around my buttocks and lower back. Also numbness in my left heel. I’ve read that nerves could be impacted but this is been going on for 3 months. Thanks.

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Hi @PinsNeedle

Currently going thru some nerve wackiness so I sympathize! Haven't experienced what you are, but have had trouble getting to sleep because of nerve irritation. 3 months seems like a long time to have it tho. What are you doing for yourself? Also, have you checked out other possibilities? I ask that because going to sleep w/o nerve irritation and waking up with it seems odd since your body is rested and hopefully less stressed. Maybe sleeping funny or out of alignment or combo?

When my lysine and lemon balm aren't working fast enough and/or the nerve pain/weirdness passes what I will tolerate, I'll take naproxen or ibuprofen. Not too much or too often because they upset my stomach. I can also recommend a topical salve with cbd oil. I just tried this for the first time the other day. I was impressed with how fast it worked. 

Good luck!!!

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