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Shaving, hair removal and herpes ... can we talk?!

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I am a GHSV1 lady, taking daily anti-vitals with only 1 outbreak under her belt (that pun is kind of too literal).👩‍🎤 

Shaving is hard guys. I’ve pretty much always had razor burn & I still cut myself accidentally all the time. I am no longer obsessed with being 100% hair free. However, I’m still dating around (at least trying to ...We’ll see) & yeah I prefer being smooth over rocking a Bush. Girl power though. 


When I shave right now, I get paranoid that every spot is a new outbreak. How do you tell the difference between a normal vaginal bump, & a viral bump?!  

Also, has anyone been successful opting for laser hair removal / waxing / etc? I’ve seen some posts on this forum where an outbreak may follow shaving & waxing... can hair removal turmoil lead to a breakout? Any horror stories? 

I’ve never tried anything but shaving because I can be cheap/lazy...maybe scared of pain-  but if it will lessen how often I shave & therefore lessen my mild panic attacks, then I will martyr my tulip & re-budget.



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I was diagnosed with HSV-1 genitally about 3 years ago. I feel you on wanting to be smooth down there. 

I don’t wax but I do shave! Once you become better at identifying a breakout vs. say razor burn you’ll feel less panic. I suggest making note of how you feel and what’s going on down there if you think a break out might be coming on. Understanding your prodrome symptoms is so important! (Is there tingling, itching, etc.?) For me, my lymph nodes always swell up 1-2 days prior to actually feeling an outbreak. 

I don’t want to speak for everyone, but at least for me, shaving doesn’t trigger any breakouts. Don’t forget that HSV “wakes up” when your immune system is attacked not necessarily because you get a cut or a scratch some place on your body. 

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8 hours ago, hannahandherpes said:

I was diagnosed with HSV-1 genitally about 3 years ago. I feel you on wanting to be smooth down there. 

I don’t wax but I do shave! Once you become better at identifying a breakout vs. say razor burn you’ll feel less panic. I suggest making note of how you feel and what’s going on down there if you think a break out might be coming on. Understanding your prodrome symptoms is so important! (Is there tingling, itching, etc.?) For me, my lymph nodes always swell up 1-2 days prior to actually feeling an outbreak. 

I don’t want to speak for everyone, but at least for me, shaving doesn’t trigger any breakouts. Don’t forget that HSV “wakes up” when your immune system is attacked not necessarily because you get a cut or a scratch some place on your body. 

This is helpful, thank you! 

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@Dandelion333 I have HSV1 and also experience genital outbreaks. I only found out recently (about a month ago). My first outbreak was truly hell - I've never experienced that much pain. I was SO paranoid about shaving, truly. I usually get sugar waxing, which is all natural and doesn't cause any side effects (unlike razors and hard wax). Look it up. But since my outbreak, I haven't gone to my waxer, because I've been too embarrassed and getting over the symptoms. I shaved over a week ago for the first time since my outbreak, because I wanted to have sex with my boyfriend (he is also positive, gave it to me unknowingly). I prefer being hairless, so I was praying it wouldn't cause an outbreak. I'll be honest, I did get one lesion after shaving. Just one though, compared to the fifteen I had during my first outbreak. I can definitely tell the difference between the razor bumps and the lesion. When I noticed the first lesion I panicked. I checked myself every day. I realized that I need to calm down, because stress can trigger and cause more outbreaks. So I'm trying to be free about it and kind to myself. I'll likely avoid shaving with a razor moving forward, but will try out sugar waxing when I'm all cleared up. I can update this post and let you know how the sugaring goes. Since it's all natural and pulls out the entire hair follicle, I'm hoping it doesn't trigger any outbreaks. Hope this was helpful! 

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On 9/24/2018 at 3:28 PM, Dandelion333 said:

I am a GHSV1 lady, taking daily anti-vitals with only 1 outbreak under her belt (that pun is kind of too literal).👩‍🎤 

Shaving is hard guys. I’ve pretty much always had razor burn & I still cut myself accidentally all the time. I am no longer obsessed with being 100% hair free. However, I’m still dating around (at least trying to ...We’ll see) & yeah I prefer being smooth over rocking a Bush. Girl power though. 


When I shave right now, I get paranoid that every spot is a new outbreak. How do you tell the difference between a normal vaginal bump, & a viral bump?!  

Also, has anyone been successful opting for laser hair removal / waxing / etc? I’ve seen some posts on this forum where an outbreak may follow shaving & waxing... can hair removal turmoil lead to a breakout? Any horror stories? 

I’ve never tried anything but shaving because I can be cheap/lazy...maybe scared of pain-  but if it will lessen how often I shave & therefore lessen my mild panic attacks, then I will martyr my tulip & re-budget.



Hey, @Dandelion333! I am new at this - I was just recently diagnosed. My first OB was a month ago and it was mild. However, I shave every other day with no issues (I'm italian so.. it would get out of control). I think everyone is probably different. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just diagnosed and also just started up laser hair removal the week before my first outbreak.

I called the clinic and talked to the Dr. at the Plastic Surgery clinic and he said that yes, laser can cause an outbreak because the laser can irritate the nerves, but that he's had many people not have any issues as long as they are taking suppressive medication. That's what my own Dr. said, and what I've read on every site I can find.

My next appt is in 2.5 weeks, as long as I'm healed up from this outbreak I plan on keeping the appt., my Dr. immediately started me on a suppressive regimen after the first 7 days. If you'd like, I can let you know how it goes?

I prepaid for all the treatments so I really don't want to stop. 

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I’ve been shaving every other day bc I also want to keep it clear so I can see if there any any bumps but I too am not sure if what I get is ingrown hair or bump.... I haven’t had symptoms for omeirher of the 2 OB THAT I have had other then the bump.... however I am always itching there all the time and I don’t know if it’s the shaving.... I’m on daily anti vitals 

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The itching your feeling is most likely the tingling nerve itch things most people with H get. Taking magnesium and oregano oil daily made mine stop completely where as I was feeling it all day every day. 


For those who want to shave. I use 2 electronic trimmers. They get close enough cut that it feels smooth for the most part and looks clean, but not so much that it gives me razor burn or makes me break out with H. If others don't work give tthat a try. They have many different types at Ulta


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  • mr_hopp changed the title to Shaving, hair removal and herpes ... can we talk?!
  • 1 month later...

So I was diagnosed ghsv1 about a month ago and my first ob cleared up completely except a really awful itch. Nothing really helped. I thought another was coming or maybe the first was still around. I don’t know still new to this. I’ve been dying to shave again and considered waxing. I have only waxed once in my life and had a terrible reaction. I bled and my skin is just so sensitive so I said I have to shave again and if I get an outbreak oh well now I know. So I bit the bullet and shaved. THE ITCH IS GONE. Had a little itch that day which I’ve always had after shaving. I’d love to know if anyone has tried sugaring wax and if they have good luck with that. I just hate razor burn and have heard it’s better for sensitive skin. 


Anyway thought id share my experience. Shaving so far is wayyy better then leaving hair. The hair was causing the itch and irritation for me. Good luck ladies and gents 🙂

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Hey I’m GHSV1 positive and I use Nair. That’s right, Nair! I use the sensitive formulation on my bikini line. (Sometimes I wear panties during the process) to prevent it getting too...well too close, if you know what I mean. Honestly, I haven’t had any issues. There is no pulling associated, so maybe that helps. I am also on Valtrex 1 gram and Lysine 1 gram daily. I was diagnosed in September this year. I plan to take antivirals for the first 6 months or so and then back off slowly to see if I really need them. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I want to start continue my laser treatment  that I was doing before I contracted ghsv1 and I can go on suppressive therapy few days before the laser treatment but I am afraid that once I get off the suppressive therapy I can awaken an outbreak what are your thoughts?? (So far I’ve only had  a single first and only outbreak about 8months ago)

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