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I have genital herpes. Does that mean I have it in my mouth, too?

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So, I'm remembering the night I contracted this and I'm wondering if I don't have it in my mouth. When I went in to the doc he said that he could only check my genitals if I had a sore and when I did get one I went back and got tested. How would I go about finding out if I had anything in my mouth, would I have to wait for a sore or is it just a give-in considering I remember what I did that night and both my genitals and mouth were exposed? I was talking to my mom about it and she said the only reason I contracted genital herpes was because I shaved cause i know he wasn't having an outbreak I didn't see anything and had a good look. So I guess that it's possible that I don't have it in my mouth because I didn't have an open cut? Is that possible? I'm just wondering how I would go about finding out, just to avoid another ER bill if possible. I'm also wondering because I'm assuming if they did a blood test or something it would come up positive due to the fact that I've already tested positive for genital herpes. Okay, I'm just ranting now... any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi OP :-)! Hey stop worrying xx. Your blood test will tell you if it HSV 1 or 2. If it's 2 you its extremely unlikely you will have it in your mouth (very rare) and if it's 1 then you may not either. Just because you have it doesn't mean you will have outbreaks in your mouth (I was married to someone with oral HSV 1 for 25 years and I never got it orally or genitally - and we weren't particularly careful other than no sex with outbreaks as we didn't know we should be!).

As for the shaving thing...you could have contracted it anyway. He was most probably shedding (and neither of you would know)...and that could be anywhere from his waist to his thighs. It's great you can talk to your Mom about it...she's right in that you could have scratched your skin and this would contribute to contracting it.

You aren't ranting...we all have had the same questions and concerns. Like I said, stop worrying..if you have contracted it orally you may never have an outbreak, and if you do you are in the 80% who get coldsores. Sending you a big hug...you will be ok :-) x


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