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How do you stay well and still feel sexy?

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Hi, new here.  I had the weirdest experience. I got an STI screen last month to be sure I was HIV- and HCV- because I lost 50 lb, got in shape, and men are interested in me again. Imagine my surprise when I came up with an HSV2 index of 15.3. I had never had symptoms, other than something my obgyn identified as an ingrown hair follicle years ago. I was in denial when Kabam! last week after a long running race, itchy blisters appeared in my butt crack. I'd have figured it was chafing but knowing I was HSV2 positive I got hold of my doctor, told her my recent results, and she immediately prescribed Valtrex and some acyclovir ointment. I guess that's a win of sorts as the medicine is helping a lot.

I'm seriously annoyed. I put so much work into my body, and now I have herpes and have to deal with "the talk" with prospective partners. Argh! And stupid itchy blisters that make all the exercise and diet feel like they're for naught. For all I know I could have had it for years and menopause activated it but I suspect it came from the guy I started seeing in April. We were using condoms but they came off a couple times and from what I've read condoms aren't great for protecting women from HSV2 shedding anyway. I had "the talk" with him and he took it well. Apparently 25 years ago a girl said he gave it to her but she tested negative and he never had symptoms so he assumed he was fine. Thankfully he's OK using condoms if he's negative but I suspect he's not. I was angry initially but I'm mostly over it because he's such an old friend I know he'd never deliberately hurt me. If he's negative I have to worry about passing this to him though.

I was still freaking out until I got here and started reading posts. Someone said 50% of single women age 45-49 have HSV2. I was a little surprised but I found the article and the epidemiology seems pretty solid. I'm single and 50 so that one post has me feeling so much more normal. "The talk" may include a copy of the article.

Anyway I have two questions.

1) What helps to prevent recurrences besides drugs?

2) How did you feel sexy again?


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