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Hello from Turkey :)

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Dear Friends,


First of all, I would like to say, I am sorry for my english. Let me tell my story.


I am 25 years old woman who lives and raised in Turkey as muslim. Off course my family was very modern and not a real fan of Islam. Anyway, I have been sexually active for 4 years. I had only 2 partner before H. One of them my highschool sweetheart and other one (who transmitted to H) 2 years monogamous relationship. My 2 years old relationship doesn't know he had Herpes. He was saying me he has some painful hair ingrown in his shaft and I insisted him to go to doctor. He tested for STD's + herpes and herpes2 came back positive.

After he diagnosed, I got tested and it was negative. We weren't that educated and we had sex when the scabs was just fall off :(

I didn't have outbreaks though but after I broke up I feel burning sensation around my clitoris. I go get tested for 2 times and it was negative again so I was sure I was free of herpes.

After we broke up I started dating this great guy who I am still dating with for 11 months now. My bf and I were dating for 4 months then when I got my first ob. I immideatley go to hospital and they did a swab which came back positive.

I came home and told my bf about the disease. He was wonderful and so supportive but I couldn't tell him that I was suspicious it before :( This feeling was killing me and I told him that my ex has it and I was suspicius about it :( He was so angry to me because if I tell the truth at first at least if I told him it could be herpes :( anyway he forgive me anyway because I was sure I was free of the virus ( 2 times tested both was negative)


I had the worst prodrome symptoms for 3 months at least and after my first OB. I started daily valtrex. My bf still h free at least thats far we know. We started using condoms and I educated myself. Now I don't feel anything down south no prodrome nothing for 5 months straight and no outbreak for 9 months!!! yay to me :)


I had lots of therapy. I felt so ugly, dirty even though I wasn't but now I feel great because sex is always dangerous! You never know who has what. At least I and my bf knows my risks !


I can deal with H very easily but my only concern is to transmit to disease to my loved one. I download handout pdf and give to my bf already :) He didn't even look at it because he said I love you and I know the risk! And he doesn't care.


We don't have support system because its not easy to speak if its includes SEX in it!! Thank you for the support.



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