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Are you still with your giver?

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1 minute ago, TequilaGirl said:

@100918 Oh! Imagine that you discover that any of you have H during your relationship. Would you still be with your partner? (Besides any reason you are not longer with him) 

I think it would depend on if my partner knew he had it and whether he disclosed or not. 

If my partner knew and disclosed and then I got it, I would not leave him for it. 
If he knew and did not disclose, it would be over.
If he did not know, and I got it, and it was a surprise to both of us, then I would not leave him for it. You don't know what you don't know.


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I'm still with my giver. I have HSV1 and he gave to me after oral sex. We didn't know that you could get/give from having a herpes blister on your mouth and he had one that was mostly healed but probably shedding...2 weeks later I had my first outbreak. Once we figured out what was happening he said we would work through it and he would stand by me no matter what! 

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11 hours ago, TequilaGirl said:

@sweetlove884 oh! And did you knew before you were with him and disclose or it was a surprise while you were with your partner? Sorry if it's too personal, i totally get if you wanna be reserved.

I did not know when i was with him, he only told me AFTER I got sores and got nervous and told him about it. was a asshate about it too, never really said sorry. just asked for his flip flops back and laughed at me. btw, never got his flip flops back

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On 11/6/2018 at 11:27 PM, TequilaGirl said:

@sweetlove884 oh! And did you knew before you were with him and disclose or it was a surprise while you were with your partner? Sorry if it's too personal, i totally get if you wanna be reserved.

I got fever blisters occasionally, but I didn't realize it was a big deal. I knew you weren't supposed to give oral with a sore. But I gave him oral without a sore. About a week later I developed a sore. I casually mentioned it to him and he freaked out. "Why didn't you tell me you had herpes?!". About a week after that, he had a genital outbreak. 

I've done everything I can to make it up to him. Paid all expenses. But it had disastrous consequences for his life and he hates me. Can't say I blame him. 

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I was with him because I felt like after this no one would want to be after this so I minus well do what I can to make it work. After I urged him to go get tested numerous times and he would always say "I'll schedule an appointment" is when I realized he already knew he had it and he was also cheating on me so there's a possibility I wasn't the only one infected.

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I am still with mine. He gave me oral and we had sex. Cut to a week later I had a full blown outbreak on my genitals. I never had it before, I was tested before him. Two full weeks later I was finally diagnosed with HSV type 1 on my genitals. He got tested and turned out he had HSV 1 but had never been tested for that before during routine STD testing.. In the whole year we were together he had never showed symptoms so i didn't question it. We are almost 4 years strong now and he still shows no symptoms. Meanwhile I take preventive antivirals to keep from getting them cause I would get outbreaks every other month down there. It sucked but I didn't get mad at him. He really did not mean to give it to me: he didn't know he had this virus for life. He did not know about viral shedding; sex ed failed him majorly when it comes to HSV and so did the health care system cause HSV type 1 is often not tested for in an std panel unless asked for because its common. 

I would have been mad if he had known. But he didn't so that's my story. 

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Im convinced he’s the giver... so, yes we’re still together. Unfortunately not in a way I desire, but he’s there. He keeps it to himself when he has outbreaks smh. Don’t ask why because I don’t have an answer lol. I’m currently going through one after being clear for 5 months. I had lots of sugar this past week & wore too many thongs, & also hadn’t been consistent on my daily vitamins. 

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On 11/9/2018 at 5:46 PM, lost&confused said:

I was with him because I felt like after this no one would want to be after this so I minus well do what I can to make it work. After I urged him to go get tested numerous times and he would always say "I'll schedule an appointment" is when I realized he already knew he had it and he was also cheating on me so there's a possibility I wasn't the only one infected.

Wow! Mine said the same. He’s like well you were tested, so I don’t need to be. Then he keeps his OBs to himself. I didn’t find out until 3 months later that he had one. 

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2 hours ago, TequilaGirl said:

@_a_rayofsunshine_ really? Kinda personal but,did you spoke with him about this and he didn't wanna talk or get tested? 

Yes. He said he’s still dealing with the reality of having it, so idk. Men are weird. He’s weird. He shuts himself off to people too often. He didn’t want to go into details but I pulled it out of him and testing, he keeps saying when he has time, in which he’s being saying for over 6 months now. 

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