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Valtrex and symptoms

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Does anybody know if Valtrex can give off prodome symptoms or am I just having continuous outbreaks? I thought suppressive therapy was suppose to help ward off outbreaks. I've been on it now for little over 2 months.

On 11/28/2018 at 10:08 AM, Saveme51 said:

Does anybody know if Valtrex can give off prodome symptoms or am I just having continuous outbreaks? I thought suppressive therapy was suppose to help ward off outbreaks. I've been on it now for little over 2 months.

Sometimes u have to get a different antiviral u gotta talk to your doctor. Also depending on what your eating and drinking can cause issues with it wanting to reactivate. This virus is really how life changer. Do u take supplements to boost your immune system?

7 hours ago, Saveme51 said:

I've been taking 1000 mg of Lysine, oregano oil, and 500 mg of Zinc. 

You may need to increase your lysine. Also check out another Forum called Honey Comb they have a lot talks about other therapy and ways to suppress the virus more.

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