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Encouraging UK Clinics Failure

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Well the phone call was a complete waste of time, the lady at the clinic did not want to listen to what I had to say,talked over me and kept trying to just get me to look at the herpes.organization website and tell me things I already know abot genital herpes.

For those of you who don't live in the UK, UK sexual health clinics do not test for herpes unless you come in with symptoms to then take a swab of a sore to get the result. When you attend a clinic each person get's given a form to fill out ,you have a tick box option to have a full std screening, so by looking at this you imagine that when you get your results two weeks later and say they all come back negative you would presume that you are not carrying any std of any kind and you feel a big sense of relief.

Well NOT THE CASE! As you could well be a carrier of the herpes virus and not know or get a symptom and ignore it till it goes away so you then never get tested for it.

All I asked was if there could be in small print on the form or a poster advising patients that this will not cover testing for herpes unless you have a sore to test.

People are so unaware and its easy for her to just say it is just a cold sore but it is more than that,its frowned upon,people reject you and are scared,theres no cure, it creates havoc in your life, the sores are painful and can effect work etc, plus having to take meds and disclose to every sexual partner in hope that you can be accepted because you now can't go into a relationship as easy as you could before diagnosis so no its not just a cold sore..I am sick of hearing it!

She told me they won't put it on the form and they won't create a poster and I just need to educate myself on it by going on a website and was quite abrupt and rude.

I was rejected by someone who said they don't want to catch something there is no cure for and even after trying to educate them on it he was having none of it and saying that he had a full screen test of everything and he was clean so wanted to keep it that way - which was my whole purpose of trying to get clinics to inform people that he doesn't cover all stds.

So the stigma is going to continue..this really is bullshit!


Wow that is really bad!

I totally agree with you, they should let people know that they are not being tested for Herpes.

Don't we all wish it was a matter of being "just cold sores" because like you, I got rejected by someone I thought was special
& even though I'm with a fantastic women now, that will stay with me forever.

Yep utter bullshit!


@Amando I am so glad to hear you have met someone lovely 🙂

Hopefully when I am not looking I will meet someone amazing and worth sharing my life with. At the moment I am just focusing on dating myself and continuing to raise an amazing son.

Thanks for responding to my post, I can always count on you for support and advice on this site! We are all able to understand and lift eachother up when needed. This site has been amazing and I don't know what I would do without it. 

As far as certain medical professionals they are not so..

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