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Herpetic whitlow & sex, masturbation, mouth & eyes

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Hey, so I have herpetic whitlow that produced lesions on 4 fingers of my dominant hand during the first outbreak a few months ago.


My questions are, can I masturbate with this hand or have sex with it during times when I'm not having a breakout? What about licking my fingers or rubbing my eyes? 

I gave it to myself by touching and picking at a cold sore that I had on my nose. It was tested and confirmed by a doctor. I definitely have the antibodies as I've had facial outbreaks for over a decade. I've been super stressed for a while so maybe that makes me more vulnerable, as I've had frequent facial outbreaks lately.


Also, tell casual sexual partners, even if I don't intend to use the hand during sex?


Would be great to hear from people who actually have actually been living with herpetic whitlow.


Oh, Life.


I'm looking for answers to your questions too. It's not been confirmed for me on my hand because the lesions healed before I could have it swabbed but the doc was leaning towards Whitlow based on the pics I showed them. My biggest concern is passing this on to my kids so I'd also love to hear from someone with experience with this.

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