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Masturbation as a trigger for herpes outbreaks?

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Hi all,

not sure if this topic is appropriate or will be put down. But after not having outbreaks for about a month, I masturbated and had an outbreak. In looking back I believe I would masturbate once a week and so my breakouts would come weekly. 

I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue or experience, and if so, what did you do to help it?

thank you

(GHSV1, 4 months in) 


@herpnerve as you are still in your first year like I am your body is still trying to settle and is very common to have more outbreaks in the first year. Did you use lub at all? Maybe that may help with reducing friction? I am female and on suppressive therapy of acyclivor twice a day and I masturbate regular due to high sex drive and touch wood it really has helped. Not saying this is something for everyone but if you find you are getting more outbreaks and it is getting in the way of your day to day life then maybe considering it with your doctor may be an option.


I would agree with what Anonymous88 said.

The fact that your only 4 months in as well, it will probably settle down after a longer time.

Maybe using toys might a better option for you.

  • 2 weeks later...

@Anonymous88 @Amando @Alisonbr

My weird way to do it was to use a jet stream of water, but perhaps that’s a bit too much pressure that my lady parts don’t like too much.

thank you for all the insight! 

Honestly I never hd a traditional outbreak, I was diagnosed because I went to the gyno for stinging sensation and was dead set it was herpes, hard for me to tell what’s an outbreak because I’ve never had those sores. 

  • 2 years later...

I experience outbreaks after self pleasuring  as well. Either manually or with water. It is so frustrating.  I wish there was a solution. Even while I am on Aciclivor. 

  • mr_hopp changed the title to Masturbation as a trigger for herpes outbreaks?

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