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Permanent changes on glans?

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Hello, I was diagnosed HSV2 positive but with very low values (about 0.9 and 1.1).

Didn't have a painful first outbreak but with very noticeable little dots on glans.

now (almost a year from infection) what I have are few tinglings and itch (like two times a week) and some burn feeling when urinating.

But the part that is driving me mad is that I feel that my glans is always "bumpy" somehow, tiny bumps sometimes more visible some other less...  and I don't know and in which way is related to my H condition... (is sort of mild ob? is balanitis triggered from h?)

Is the glans texture a bit different a rare but possible H effect? Do I have something different from H? (warts maybe?)

Thanks for your time


I have not heard of or experienced this myself. You may check with a doc just to rule out other possibilities. Do they go away? Are they painful? Just curious.


No, not painful, but my I definitely can see two tiny things at side that I never had... and in general the glans somestimes is like filled with very tiny "goosebump".

My IGG values are also not clear, I resulted positive then again with a 0.90... (which is equivocal range, sure higher than my first test when I was 0.50)


You should go see a doctor as soon as possible and stay off google, I'm sure it's nothing but if the skin on your glans has permenantly changed it could be something more serious than herpes. 

14 hours ago, Johan_glans said:

You should go see a doctor as soon as possible and stay off google, I'm sure it's nothing but if the skin on your glans has permenantly changed it could be something more serious than herpes. 

You're thinking of warts?


If the entire skin on your glans has changed than it's not warts but it's hard to tell from your description what you mean. I don't want to scare you and it's super rare and very unlikely. However, skin changes on the glans are often the first sign of penile cancer. But it's probably not that just go see a doctor man. 


I know man it sucks. Best thing to do though is to go see a doctor ASAP. Even though it might feel scary, ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. Somethings up with your penis go get it checked out. Just think about how much the two of you have been through together. You owe him that much 😛😉 


The problem is that I tried to show to doctors (they examined my glans with lens!!) none stopped and told me something specific... but I feel like when I go to doctor those little blisters are less visible (maybe 'cause my friend becomes even smaller in presence of doctors.. 😛 )

Is devastating knowing that I will never experience oral sex again and also don't know if my glans in this condition means that I have like constant tiny outbreaks....  does even exist a strain of HSV2 that never crust and only stays as tiny dots all over glans?

  • 1 year later...

hello i would like to bump this in 2020 i have this same issue

I was diagnosed with hsv-2 in march2020 with 4x visible blisters

These red dots underneath the penis head/glands have been with me for over 3 years and are very visible after sex/masturbation.

I am currently dealing with balanitis for over 6 months , this site has been a comfort place 

thanks everyone for sharing your stories.

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