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I'm so mad

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I'm 16 and I've been diagnosing with genital herpes. I've been in a 2 year relationship with my boyfriend  he got me pregnant at 14 we were too young so our parents didn't want us to keep it I just stuck to him ever since. He has this ex gf who he was cheated on me multiple times with and who as tried to fight me over him multiple times she says she loves him. But he's saying she the only other person he been with and how someone who go so crazy over him just goes and does this and I don't even know whether to believe him that it was only her I don't know how i feel about myself he was so adamant about me not talking to anyone else and I didn't. I thought he cheated so much bc he thought i was doing the same thing so I worked so hard to prove to him that I wasn't. He still cheated. I don't know if I can leave him I don't know how i even feel about us anymore and he's acting like this shit his normal fuck up like it's just him cheating again and like he dosent  get that he ruined my life and his just bc he couldn't stay faithful or even protected. I know he feels bad bc he cried and in the 2 years I've been with him I've never seen him do that and thats when he had to tell me but after that day he just actin as if I didn't do everything for him and all I asked for in return is loyalty and u give me herpes and I haven't even cursed him out yet bc he was so sad and he said he didn't even wanna be here and how sorry he was and this was just Thursday and he's acting like now its just over and it was 1 bump then over the weekend it got so bad. I'm just so mad and I don't know what to do with it 


You're 16. It might feel like the end of the world but it ain't. Get your shit together life is more than about having a boyfriend or herpes. Go to school, build a career, focus on yourself. Don't get pregnant again until you have built a strong foundation for your life. 

You're post is kind of hard to read an incoherrent, however, if I got it right he says he's allowed to go talk to other girls but you can't talk to other boys? How is that fair? How do you rationalize that in your mind? People don't respect doormats, so stop being one. If you don't value yourself nobody else will. 


Hello @I hate  first I want you to know that I too contracted hsv1 from my first boyfriend who I lost my virginity to @14.  First you are going to be fine HERPES does not define you and I hope you learn sooner than I did that you don’t have to be ashamed or feel unloved because you will find a partner that accepts you and that means ALL of you.  At your age I would recommend leaving this little boy.  I had to leave my gifter because he TOO kept cheating even after we found out he gave me HERPES!! That was the last straw for me.  I figured I’d stay after being diagnose (because I was so young and feared having to date) but after that pos had the nerve to cheat AGAIN I knew I deserved better and I left.  The thing about relationships at your age is that they all (high majority) end.  Relationships/love in high school seem very real at the time but you haven’t even developed into YOU at this age so giving yourself time to grow and socialize around is very important for many reasons.  Don’t bogg yourself down With a boy who’s going to keep disrespecting you with females or any other disrespectful little games he wants to play.  You know you were faithful and if he had doubt he should have spoke with you about that vs thinking he is getting even for you cheating?? Those are mind games and him trying to give excuse for him being a wandering dog so don’t fall for that.. You deserve better. I know leaving isnt easier either so If you stay that’s your decision but be mindful of other stds still out there (that he can bring back) and just try to let the relationship run it’s course not making staying dependent on this diagnosis.   

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